Discussion: Top Google Debate Search On Cruz: 'Why Was Ted Cruz Born In Canada?'

Discussion for article #245305

Trump: Mission Accomplished.


Q: Why Was Ted Cruz Born In Canada?


Q: Why Was Ted Cruz Born In Canada?

A: Cause he hates America

Q: Why Was Ted Cruz Born In Canada?

A: Free health care there

Q: Why Was Ted Cruz Born In Canada?

A: It was a cold day in hell

I got a million of 'em…


which has fueled rumors he is not a natural born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to run for President

“Rumors”?? That’s not the word I’d use.


Why was cruz born in Canada?

Because they US didn’t want him or his parents!


Leave it to Americans to google “why” somebody was born in a particular place. It’s like asking why Boston is in Massachusetts. I swear to God this country is filled to bursting with paste-eaters.


La Migra was breathing down Rafael Cruz neck.


Well, you see, when a couple anti-Communist fascist supporters get drunk in Canada one night…


There is no debate.

He is not a natural born citizen, because although his mother was a citizen, he was not born in the US or any of its territories. He is a naturalized citizen by statute.


I would give almost anything to see a picture of Baby Raphael Cruz in a onesie that says “All dad wanted was a blowjob”.


Because his father was a card-carrying COMMUNIST in Cuba and a willing participant in Castro’s revolution.


‘Why Was Ted Cruz Born In Canada?’

Because Obama.


Ahhh…to hell with this. Are there still four guys over at The Swamp in Oregon and if so, what are they up to today?


Ya darn tootin’ – y’all libruls ever herda that thar statute a liburtee?


They’re obviously part of the Trump campaign. They are immune from the soft bigotry of low expectations by virtue of the fact that no expectation can be low enough.

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For the record:
Ted Cruz’s mother was a dual citizen and registered at that time to vote in CANADA. His father wasn’t even Canadian at that time…he was Cuban.

The founding fathers never would have allowed Cruz to run for President - never! Think of the dangerous precedent this would establish. The next Cruz could be born in Iran or Communist China or Communist Russia and run for President.

Cruz is a natural born Canadian - not American! Calgary is not part of the US.


That’s what struck me about the question too! “Where was Ted Cruz born?” sounds like a reasonable thing to Google, but “why” makes it seem like they don’t understand the correlation between pregnant women and babies. I know that can’t really be it, but the phrasing really bothered me…

Edit: come to think of it, I’m pretty sure there was no correlation between a woman and Ted in his case, since he was clearly hatched from a genetically engineered lizard egg…


I thought it was because he was a Batista supporter and those weren’t popular when Castro took over.

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Also: easier for mom and dad to get work they both could do.

Also: Canada’s been a helluva lot more accepting of Cuban immigrants than the US, to the point where if you were to go to Havana right now, you’d find one of every two cash dispensing bank machines is owned by one of the several Canadian chartered banks.

Also: it meant senor Cruz could get immediate citizenship status, rather than wait for years and years here (Raf Senior didn’t get US naturalized citizenship until 2005, over 30 years after little Raf was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.).

Also, free health care: Wikipedia shows little Raf was born in “Foothills General Hospital” in Calgary. The attendance of mom for that birth and for the afterbirth care of mom and baby Raf would have cost … nothing. Zero. Bupskiss. It was all free. Wheeeeeeeeeeee…!

Interesting that it was only AFTER pops Raf up and left mom and baby Raf in the lurch and high-tailed it, with his Canadian citizenship papers and all, into the U.S. that mom and baby months later left Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Sheesh, baby Raf could have been a rightwing political ally for recently defeated Conservative PM Stephen Harper! RAF COULDA BEEN IN PARLIAMENT!

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The hell you say! Canada is one of the 42 states…yah?

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Soooooooooo, WHY? was Teddy “Bare” Cruz born in Canada?