Barr is just doing what he was hired to do. The R’s will never never never let another Watergate happen, so for them this is just ‘Plan On’. But still… Really?
Stooping to this level? Really? It’s truly dispiriting to get gob smacked by their perfidy.
When Dorothy Thompson asked 4 months before Pearl Harbor: WHO GOES NAZI?
We know some WHO GOES NAZI. William Barr goes NAZI
Maybe I watched the movie “JFK” one too many times, but I can’t help thinking there’s consequences from making an enemy of your own intelligence people.
Barr is not speaking to Congress but Fox cable news audience. Disgusting piece of Trump Trash. His son was hired by the WH I think his friendship with Mueller just crashed and burned.
Is it possible that Barr has his own interest in settling scores with higher ups at the FBI and intelligence agencies and that this “investigation” was the end game he had in mind all along when he joined this circus of an administration? Not to sound too conspiratorial, but Dems should be looking into what Barr has to gain here by buying into tRump’s lunacy on this issue. And by the way, is there anyone looking into trying to prevent further foreign interference in our elections, or is that a minor sidebar from the Mueller Report?
I thought I saw somewhere that Mueller is leaving DOJ soon (end of the week?). My guess is he’s keeping mum until then or until he’s asked to testify before a committee.