Lock him up, that’s right, lock him up.
Wonder if the jail commissary will take his 30 pieces of silver
He may not want to talk, but his falsified documents are speaking plenty.
Flynn’ esteemed legal counsel is probably looking into the possibility for documents to take the fifth.
Scumbag Michael Flynn lead chants of “lock her up” at the RNC.
Donald Trump and Scumbag Rudy Giuliani spent the campaign and debates claiming that there was criminal conduct in the fake HRC email scandal.
And all that time, all of them were committing treason.
What an amateur. Prison time for lying on security clearance forms.
Projection on a scale heretofore unknown. The term now made clear to even the dullest Trump supporter.
This juicy little story feels an awful lot like an answer to his pleading the fifth.
I think someone is playing a game of cat and mouse with him. I think they are letting him know that they already have him and the more he holds back, the more they will leak until he realizes he has nothing left to bargain with. They already have it all.
Naw, he was just dispensing “Flynn Facts.”
Notice the Republicans are willfully blind to the need to follow Flynn’s omissions and lies.
I’ll just leave this here:
Hmm. You’re missing caps lock and multiple exclamation points. Let’s chant this about Flynn in the same unhinged manner he chanted it about HRC.
He deserves nothing less!
Ossoff: I’ve been waiting to hear this:
I do wonder what Flynn’s approval rating is amongst the electorate, and amongst the hardcore Republican base which still by and large supports Trump. It seems like Flynn is totally toxic–as far as I know, even outlets like Breitbart won’t defend him. I expect to see a lot of photos of Flynn + GOP in 2018 and 2020 ads. . .
Getting that first conviction, seeing the first Republican in the exercise yard, is going to be like popping a balloon I think.
This is awesome news. 2018 can’t come soon enough.
See, it’s all Obama’s fault for giving interim clearance even though Flynn lied to investigators when getting said interim clearance.
(rolls eyes)
Don’t overestimate the Trumpkins. Remember that Oliver North was considered a hero and lived well for many years after his treasonous actions and lying to protect Reagan. Flynn is probably negotiating with Fox as we speak.
Yes, that’s what I’m curious about. Oliver North is a bit before my time, so I appreciate your drawing the possible parallel.
- Flynn will be prosecuted for one or more felonies. He will take a plea and, failing that, will lose if he takes it to court.
- Trump will pardon him.
Separately, no one should blame Flynn for pleading the Fifth. It’s the smart thing to do. Someone in his current position would be traipsing into a minefield if they did anything else.
Hmmm. I suspect there’s a bit more than meets the eye to this story, it’s not like the RT gala was low key or anything.
My overriding sense though is just how trivial all this is. So Russia liked the guy, paid for him to come out and visit in the hope of better relations, who cares?
(Rhetorical question. Obviously Russia is the devil incarnate out wanting to kill your sons, impregnate your women, and let you exploit its natural resources)