Discussion: Top Backer Of Biden 2016: Email Story Will Kill Hillary's Chances By '1,000 Cuts'

Go ahead and nominate someone who has serious electability problems. If anyone raises any questions about the sacred cow…brush it off as a troll, attack the messenger, or do anything except examine the 900 lb gorilla in the living room…Hillary has electability problems.

If anyone had read my post…I was raising the point that we need to find some alternatives. Now, you all can laugh off that Biden can’t be more electable than Hillary…sorry, but I am entiled to my opinion! He is a sincere person. He has a heart. And he doesn’t have near the baggage as hillary. And he can connect with the middle class. He doesn’t go around saying he is flat broke when he is a millionaire.

I don’t think Biden is the ideal candidate either. But if Hillary was not the heir apparent…we would be thinking a VP would be the logical front runner.

I think if Hillary was not running we would have several people out there and it would be an interesting campaign. Including people we have not thought of. As long as she is running, I am afraid it is just a march to the coronation.

Except she can’t win unless she improves her focus.

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Hillary has electability problems

Data can be useful in these instances.

Q-poll Iowa 2015

Clinton versus possible Republicans

Nah, she doesn’t have “electability problems”.

This e-mail stuff is not nothing, nor does it mean Hillary has electability problems.

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I think what we saw Lawrence exhibit was emoprog concern. I would’ve preferred to have heard a more robust defense.

I admit I freaked out unnecessarily after reading the story on the private server stuff.

And now I’m sorry I added to the “Hillary is unelectable” hysteria.

I still do not think this is a big nothingburger if only because Dems have had a really difficult time making valid points stick in the media narrative.

And the most important valid point that needs to stick? Nothing illegal here, and…no one had problems when Colin Powell did something similar.

You might want to watch a few more clips - or maybe even a whole 15 minutes or so.

the polls at this stage of the race prior to the 2008 election…had Obama leading? Pardon me while I laugh uncontrollably…

I think Warren would make a FAR better candidate than Hillary. For one thing, she is a liberal who stands up for the middle class, income inequality, and a host of other issues Hillary takes a bye on…

Yeah umm… sorry but I am not about to put any stock into statements from a South Carolina Democratic Party chairman (former or current) in regards to anything involving a national election. No. Credibility.

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So it boils down to the concept that if a South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman (former or current) says that Chicago is in Illinois…don’t give the statement any thought that it possibly might be accurate…

Correlary…if someone says something you don’t agree with, attack the person if you can’t refute the idea

Which is kinda what will happen to Hillary…people will attack the person, not her ideas, sorta like you do…

After President Obama, she will get eaten alive on her lack of experience in government. I like her, but I just don’t see her as someone who can credibly show that she will effectively stand up to Republicans, let alone foreign policy challenges and terrorist organizations like ISIS. I don’t particularly like Hillary as a person, but she has an undeniable toughness to her that I just don’t see in Warren.

No it is just the recognition that a state chairman of a party that has perennially underperformed in said state has little (to me) to add to a national political discussion.

I would say the same if it were the current or former Republican chairman of the Rhode Island state party.

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This won’t hurt Hillary, but it will provide a long trail of outrage generation for the media and the GOP, not because there’s anything outrageous in any of her emails, but because it’s something they can manufacture outrage over, details and facts are unimportant.


You go ahead and laugh. But your argument that she is unelectable is looking pretty …lame.

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Concern troll is concerned, and trolling. An obscure South Caroline Democratic Party Chairman (WE MUST PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THIS OBVIOUS SEXIST SAYS, because he’s from South Carolina, that liberal bastion that is a reliable blue state…oh, wait) says something and this means, irrefutably, that Clinton has problems.

Got it.

Meanwhile “if someone says something you don’t agree with, attack the person if you can’t refute the ideas”? Just reword this to say “I’ll attack any evidence that disagrees with me, but accuse you of attacking the messenger”, and call it a day.


Assuming she gets the nomination, people who were inclined to vote for her still will, and those were not won’t.

I believe Albright did something similar as well, as did Bloomberg when he was mayor of NY, and we know Jeb communicated with FL constituents on a private account. I just hate that Dems were taken by surprise and are scrambling in a disorganized way to provide cover/support. But the nominating process begins July 2016, and unless the Gowdy committee can keep this nonsense going until then, the passage of time and the “so what” aspect of it should set in.

Think what you will about Warren, but so far she has been as firm as she can be in declining to run. IMO, she’ll be far more effective in the Senate where she can corral the left and give support to the new Democratic president whoever it might be.

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This is a blip on the HRC radar screen and will blow over between now and July 2016, and it says nothing about how her campaign team will operate.

I guess at this point, I wonder how taken by surprise they actually were.

This continuing inability by national Dems to plan for and react to the nutso factor in the media and the GOP has wandered a bit into just plain irresponsible territory.

I get that you can’t fully anticipate craziness. But seriously, why does it take multiple news cycles for the Dems to get info out there?

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Harpootlian led the SC Democratic party from a period when it actually achieved some victories, in the late 90s, to 2010 when it was atrociously disorganized and incompetent, to the point where apparent mental defective Alvin Greene won the Democratic primary for Senate there over a well-qualified judge.

Coincidentally, Harpootlian also gave thousands of dollars to Republican candidates.

So yes, it boils down to the fact that if this two-faced racist shitbag says the sun will rise in the east tomorrow, I’m going to ask for independent verification.


Actually, at this point in 2007(which is the same comparatively as 2115), Obama was at 15%.

I witnessed the great 2008 Hillary meltdown in Iowa. Never saw a “sure-thing” go flat faster.