Discussion: Top Backer Of Biden 2016: Email Story Will Kill Hillary's Chances By '1,000 Cuts'

He’s not alone.

They will not only mention this email dustup, they will mention Whitewater, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, the Rose Law Firm, and whatever else comes to mind. They will do that because their potential candidates are as pure as the driven snow and wouldn’t expect their sins to be brought up, Jeb and a private email account for starters. The freak outs which are erupting here are just what the right wants to see, by the way.


As Biden would say what a bunch of baloney.


Stick to the issues, fuckface. Trying to destroy her or each other with this kind of nonsense just does the GOP/Teatrolls’ job for them.


What do you honestly think is more damaging, this email thing coming out a year and a half before the campaign, or a lunatic like Dick Harpootlian being out on the trail stumping for Biden?


Yeah. Last I heard about this was that the policy regarding private email accounts was implemented after Hilary’s term as Secretary.

Benghazi ammo from a Dem? WTF is wrong with this guy - doesn’t he know how much time and money and oxygen has been wasted on an unfortunate tragedy that Clinton had absolutely nothing to do with?


Breep! Breep! Concern troll alert!


I’m on my way to your house with some Xanax. Try to stay calm until I get there.


Not when he’s talking to himself.


Damn, I’ve been wasting all my thoughtfulness on a troll’s remarks.

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C’mon. Powell did it too.

Apparently both of them substantially complied with the law,if not to the letter.


The other interesting tidbit I heard today is that she could only have one email address on her Blackberry, so she chose her own.

Not saying it was or was not the right thing, but I know, using Outlook, that it’s not like having Outlook Express where you can have multiple POP3 accounts … you only get one.

Until I hear something more sinister, I’m at ‘whatever’. (Be that as it may, Hillary, you should have seen this coming!)


I’ve never thought that HRC is invincible, but you’re suffering from serious delusions if you think that Joe Biden has any more chance than Bernie Sanders of getting elected President.


Could we dial back the rhetoric?

“hillary’s nomination may elect Cruz”?


That, along with the scolding by those who keep insisting THIS IS ALL NOTHING and YOU’RE HELPING THE GOP IF YOU DISAGREE is just dumb.


Exactly. And hopefully, she did.

That’s my point about all of this: it could prove to be a pointless stumble if she didn’t anticipate that this would raise eyebrows. It’s not the end of her campaign, but it might be revealing about the judgment of those around her, and her.


There’s that aspect to it, as well: the muckety mucks (Powell, apparently, and Clinton…and Petraeus, obviously) have a different set of rules than the rest of us grunts.


Since they troll-proofed the TPM comments, it’s gotten kind of boring around here. Thank god for the presidential primary!

If you can’t just naturally without even thinking about it see because it is self-evident that Bernie will (inevitably) be the next POTUS, you’re rooting for ISIS.

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Benghazi? Did you really say Benghazi? How did Benghazi work out for Romney? Benghazi is an issue for folks who will NEVER vote D anyways. And “wife of a womanizer?” I don’t even know how to respond to that one. What does that even mean? Especially when the womanizer is the still incredibly friggin popular Bill Clinton.

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I thought about that. That’s why I did a spot check on posters here after Lawrence mentioned Hillary’s emails a couple of days ago (it was not his lead story, either).

What I saw was okay…some concern, but not excessive. Lawrence himself expressed concern…but there is concern and then there is concern.