I keep wondering whether there exists, somewhere off in the wilderness, a single Trump surrogate who isn’t a total and unequivocal asshole.
Nah … assholery goes with the territory.
Con man supporting a con man. Big surprise.
Stupid, confused man tweets stupid, confused cartoon. I’m shocked, shocked!
Pastor Mark Burns.
Holy crap.
TPM too timid to show it?
The man is a jacka$$. I wish his mama could talk some sense into him. Poor self-hating con man.
Super Christian of him.
ETA: I hope one of the networks that has him on questions him on this. They let him get away with a lot.
It was right there in the article.
Yes. Way to take the high road.
Uncle Ruckus…is that you?
He has been on MSNBC a lot in the last week. Representative Cleaver schooled him on Joy Reid’s show on Saturday. Burns is dumber than a box of hair.
He’s a TV preacher. By definition he has no principles, no shame.
No, unholy bullshit!
Not to be outdone…
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. That’s true of his campaign and his business and his life.
That cartoon is just lame. His debate zingers are going to be pathetic too.
Pastor Mark Burns
Motivational Speaker|Unifier|Pastor|Husband|Father| Can be seen on CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, & FOX Business Network. TIME Magazine http://time.com/trump-pastor/
"Pastor Mark Burns tweeted the cartoon with the caption “Black Americans”
What the hell is wrong with you??? Have you looked in the mirror? Have you read that by-bul you’re thumping?
I was wondering when Uncle Tom would check in with his endorsement.