Discussion: Toobin: Trump's Firing Of Comey Is 'A Grotesque Abuse Of Power'


It’s the GOP playbook – has been since Nixon.


Welcome to your gilded tin-pot dictatorship America! You’ve really screwed the pooch this time! And you still think bringing back blue-collar jobs is topping Trump’s “Things to do list” eh?



And the only people that can stop this travesty -Congressional Republicans - have shown no inclination to do so.

So it falls to the American people to make their outrage known by voting a straight Democratic ticket.

As an American, I find this completely unacceptable.


I’m kinda surprised anybody even pretends to be shocked by Trump’s behavior.

Dude, what did you expect, for fuck’s sake? And hey, at least you successfully sandbagged Clinton! We coulda had a real constitutional crisis on our hands! Phew. Dodged a bullet there. Thanks, guys!


What kind of country is this? Trumpistan.


No, Trumpistan is where Trump lives in his own mind. We live in Absurdistan. It’s the place where the most qualified candidate to ever run for the presidency gets beaten by an orange dildo in an ill-fitting suit and a second-hand merkin, even though he lost by 3 million votes.


Do we all hear "Coup d’etat?"


It’s a de facto confession to treason and the beginning of the end for Trump. There’s no way they can avoid a special prosecutor now and we pretty much know what the result of that will be. It may take a bit of time but Trump is a goner.


depending upon how damning - they might both accidentally fall off the top of 20 story buildings - or drink some toxic tea… we are talking about getting close to having control of the world here - Vlad is not going to let little things like people’s lives stand in the way - especially if they are standing in his way.

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We all wondered what outrageous thing Trump would do to have the media shift away from Sally Yates’ blockbuster testimony about having a Russian agent in the White House – now we have it.

At some point, their going to run out of things to set on fire…


in a sane world - with balanced and sane representatives - yes - - but if Trump declared Martial law tomorrow - you would have at least 200 GOP reps falling in line to support him If Trump declare Christianity the “OFFICIAL” Religion of the USA - his base would support him -
Hell - He could call for the reestablishment of slavery and he would still have solid support of his base


Trump and Sessions just lost their nerve. All they’ll accomplish is to speed up the inevitable while demonstrating just how close Comey and the FBI were getting to the whole arsenal of smoking guns.


This is not a bad thing. Comey tried to throw the election - maybe he succeeded. Comey is a corrupt Republican through and through.

If it wakes up some people to what is going on and we get a special prosecutor, all the better.

Acting like Comey is all of a sudden the Democrats best friend is ridiculous.

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Weren’t you freaks calling for Dir. Comey to be fired a long time ago? He gets fired, and you people start to whine like little babies?

Seriously… After all that therapy you received from Hillary losing you still haven’t learned to deal with change?

USA … You people got all in an uproar to get rid of Dir. Comey … now that he was fired … You bitch like a spoiled child…

Choke on the hypocrisy

Dude, I am happy the guy got shitcanned. Got what’s coming to him, far as I’m concerned. I’m just curious how Trump’s gonna find a more loyal lickspittle than Comey. The guy put his own ass on the line to insure his election.

It just goes to show, you can’t trust a sandbaggin sonofabitch.

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What are you even talking about? How far do you people go with these insane scenarios ???

My god … IF you are that freaking paranoid … why not jump off a bridge and end it all?

Seriously, what an ass

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Jeffrey Toobin is a very smart guy. People who can actually do something about this mess should listen to him.


Shit. Makes me want to move to Kazakhstan…
looks around
Whew, I’m safe already!

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