Discussion: Tomi Lahren: AOC Encouraged Physical Violence Against Me With Cardi B Tweet

They already have! Her parents weren’t hear 5 years before she was born therefor she’s not legitimate “natural born citizen” and can’t be President.

Interesting how only the one Black Candidate (so far) gets the Birther treatment :angry:

You stupid bint - get a fucking life.

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All shades of blond hair, the skin must be white.

What a f’g baby.

Funny, Fox shamelessly allows one of their own to play the victim in a fight she started. By the way “clapback” is not advocating violence.


You mean this wonderful toy from my miscreant youth?

And of course this:



Everything Tomi Lahren does and says encourages violence against the annoying little clod!

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Snowflake :snowflake:

Well today at TPM it’s all gossip column bits. Even the one article about the Wall/Shutdown crisis has to do with what the Pope has to say about it. Overheard in Panama… Hedda was there and put it in her hat.

So clicks ring the cash register. It’s sad because the forum is capable of better than social media huffing and puffing.


Tomi Lahren=low-rent, younger version of Ann Coulter. Neither one is really worth paying any attention.


That’s ok…I’m admitting that just looking at that self important and vapid face makes me want to punch her…and I’m a pacifist.

Tomi Lahren is the Michelle Bachmann of Sarah Palins.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:…you’re today’s winner!

It’s hump day, whaddaya want?

Poor FOX, driven to celebrity politics. What’s wrong? Can’t get any legitimate politicians to interview who don’t start with “Trump” and end with “Lying hypocritical misogynistic racist douchbag”?

I know, why don’t you put a few celebrities in a back-room contract, script out the whole thing, and run it as news?

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Sort of like…



You think that’s bad?

Wait’ll an alt-right Republican drives his car over your friend.

Why are the wingnuts such a whiny bunch of crybabies? Wah, wah, wah, all the time.


Am I allowed to punch them out, too?