Discussion: Tomi Lahren: AOC Encouraged Physical Violence Against Me With Cardi B Tweet

Urban Dictionary is your friend. :slight_smile:

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No thatā€™s Gavin Newsomā€™s ex-wifeā€¦Kimberly Guilfoyle, who also has or had a show on Faux I think. Everything in tRumpworld is kinda incestuous when it comes to Faux News.

OMG its TMZ at TPM. I canā€™t stand it.


My dog is blond. Heā€™s the only blond in my entire family, immediate and extended.

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Yes they are. You could even call them snowflakes!


Typical. Republicanā€™t. Projection.

So if Cardi B had asserted her right to use Second Amendment Remedies, Lahren would have defended that until the end of time, amirite?


It says a lot about AOCā€™s political savy when the right has to make such a leap in logic to attack her.


So AOC is their new Pelosi/Hillary. Man Repubs just love to hate on women.


All of them auditioning for The Stepford Wives, goobers included.

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Tomi Lahren sounds like a snowflake to me.


Thank you

Theyā€™ve already got Kamala Harrisā€™s number too. Been readying to promote and pull a ā€˜birtherā€™ conspiracy theory out of their asses soon enough too.

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That was yesterday

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Does she think the ā€˜Sugar Hill Gangā€™ are like, a real and dangerous, violent gang?

Tomi thinks the Sugar Hill gang is going to do a drive by on her.

a mold punches them out on a regular basis.

Are you encouraging mold violence against the poor defenseless Foxettes?

Why so much Fox distract-o-vision on TPM this morning?

Thanks for the history lesson. My guess is that you wonā€™t find that stuff in too many books except maybe from Regnery. Sheā€™s a nobody. Faux probably picked her up off the streets to spout her inane bullshit. They probably created a backstory on her because she hasnā€™t been around for very long. The stupid things she says sounds a lot like sheā€™s been handed a script to perform like one of many Fauxā€™s flying monkeys with a tin cup for handouts and political fund-raising through partisan hate-mongering. She does the job she was hired to do, and thatā€™s about it. Being blond only completes the Aryan persona they hope to push forward for the true hate-mongers among them.

Remember this bozo? This was the flavor of the months leading up to the 2016 election, all because they needed some AA woman out front that could appeal to the bigots. This sicko tried to assuage all those white tRumpsters of whatever guilt they might have over intolerance of ā€œthe otherā€ so they could hold onto their white privilege and not feel bad about it. That was Omarosaā€™s role as well, even though sheā€™d never admit it now that sheā€™s jumped ship.

Weā€™ve seen this movie before for too long now. Its fund-raising season for the tRumpsters. This seems to me to all be part of an early start. Hell, tRump was already trying to fund-raise for his campaign off of Pelosiā€™s letter to him about SOTU.


The right gets up every morning and checks the list. ā€œLetā€™s seeā€¦ talk about murderers sneaking over border, defend a white guy, keep looking for a way to take down AOC, darken Kamalaā€™s skin toneā€¦

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Careful Tomi. All the air between your ears is leaking out leaving you hollow except for your turd of a brain.

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