"In October 2008 George W. Bush was president when the Status of Forces Agreement was drafted and ratified by Iraqi lawmakers a month later in November 2008. Part of the agreement stated that ‘All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.’” (Source: www.politicususa.com)
I’ll never forget them eviscerating people like Cindy Sheehan. A woman who spoke out because her son died needlessly. She lost a son for no reason, and the right dehumanized her and equated her and her supporters to terrorists.
Now that we know that whole 12 years was a sham, these sick fuck Republican politicians and Fox News pundits want to sweep the whole thing under the rug.
It never gets old. George Bush, 1984: We went to Lebanon to give peace a chance, to stop the bombing of civilians in Beirut, to remove 13,000 terrorists from Lebanon - and we did. We saw the formation of a government of reconciliation and for somebody to suggest, as our two opponents have, that these men died in shame - they better not tell the parents of those young marines. They gave peace a chance. And our allies were with us - the British, the French, and the Italians.
It’s proably time for the media to call this crap down. Bush was supported because he sent cherry picked data to Congress as well as the American people. The first filter on all that “intel” was Dick Cheney. The only folks that saw it for what it really was were all in the Oval Office. Everyone else got the massaged tripe that Cheney built.
Had GW Bush leveled with Congress and the American people there would never been a war in Iraq. The fact he bullshitted them into accepting a war does not mean the acceptance justifies his actions…
google goofy. notice the family resemblance to tom cotton?
the difference between biden and hillary and kerry with the bush neocons is that they trusted the intelligence that the white house put out there. bush, darth, and rummy knew they were gaming the data and playing the rubes who misplaced their trust.
The political ambitions shine through loud and clear … too bad there’s not much intelligence coupled with that ambition. Well, too bad for him … good for thoughtful people who actually care about what happens in the world rather than their own naked greed and ambition.
The very fact that neo-cons like the idiot Cotton feel compelled to spew madness shows how uncomfortable and out of their element the GOP is with this line of discussion. It is a lose-lose for them. The longer the GOP talks about this the more damage they do to themselves.
This appears to be the favorite talking point for Republicans who want to shift blame for the clusterfuck known as Iraq. Something along the lines of “Yeah, but Obama really messed it up, didn’t he?”
Unfortunately, about a third of US citizens will stare at the TV screen and begin to nod their heads.
But I felt angry too. Realistically, if Obama decided to prosecute our own home-grown war criminals, his entire term would be completely dominated by it and nothing else would be accomplished. It would take all the air out of the room.
I’m betting that was the calculus he had to do before making that decision. Not goodwill. Effectiveness.
But, but, but, didn’t you hear Loopy Louie Gohmert, The Guano King, say that if Bush had known how incompetent Obama would be, he never would have signed the AUMF withdrawing the troops.
We could take that one step further. If Clinton had known what an utterly incompetent President Bush would be, he should have had bin Laden killed in 1999.
Clinton actually tried to kill bin Laden before Bush became President. Unfortunately, the CIA at the time was dominated by both a lot of Right leaning bureaucrats and a lot of Soviet specialists. It’s why they developed the armed drones. Bush got into office and immediately stopped the armed drone project believing all the rot about how Clinton was obsessed with bin Laden and how bin Laden wasn’t the problem- Hussein was.
The true incompetent here was Bush. The problem is that most Republicans known less about tactics than a novice in a nunnery.