Discussion: Tom Cotton: We Shouldn't 'Be Ashamed' Of Iraq War

That seems the only thing cotton was good at…He did last a year as an attorney…

He is a homely pig and that insults pigs! Liar…

I spent days talking to veterans who told me about how ineptly the Iraq war was conducted on the ground. There is a lot to be ashamed of.

Hey asshat, you do know that Obama withdrew troops according to a schedule laid out by George W Bush, right? Right?

[crickets chirping]

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“I’m confident that the world is a better place and the world is a safer place with Saddam Hussein removed from power.” Cotton says this at the same time he is bemoaning the rise if ISIL and the chaos in the Middle East and around the world. I would rather have the fictional Forrest Gump in office than this this dangerous real life version of “Stupid is as Stupid does.”


This can’t get repeated enough. I’m starting to see “Obama mucked it all up” nonsense in various places, and the people spouting it link it directly to the 2011 withdrawal. That timeline was a U.S./Iraq agreement agreed upon by Bush.


President Obama, for political reasons

Political reasons, which were of course that agreement’s the Bush Administration had made with the Iraqi government said that he had to pull the troops out by that time, but Cottonhead knows and is purposefully ignoring that.


George W. Bush and Dick Cheney lied us into a war that was based on WMDs that Iraq did not have and made it worse by not paying for it or having a plan to leave.


How about ‘mistakes’? should we ever admit when we have made one? or would it be Cotton’s contention that it does not matter - because the United States is incapable of making a mistake.

Nobody wanted to leave 10-15K troops there. The electorate wanted out of Iraq. See the reaction to Rick Perry saying he would send troops back into Iraq during one of the 2011 GOP debates.

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Another GOP idiot speaks crap. What a tool!!!


Why does anyone consider this guy smarter than the dumbest dufous falling off a barstool?


Tom Cotton: We Shouldn’t ‘Be Ashamed’ Of Iraq War

USA: Yes we should, especially when you finally realized that cherry-picked intelligence let Bush & Cheney lies us into an unnecessary war. But I am sure that most Americans agree that we, collectively, should be ashamed of Sen. Tom Cotton!

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Woefully incompetent rush into a war of choice at the wrong time, based on haphazard intel and sold to the public via their ignorance over who attacked us on 9/11 and by mocking naysayers as unpatriotic troop haters to the tune of AC/DCs ‘For Those About to Rock’. 4,500 dead troops, families torn apart, thousands maimed and mentally scarred, $2,000,000,000,000 in the hole, tens of thousands of dead Iraqis and a divided nation and a deteriorated standing in the world.

Hey, “Mistakes”, right? Nothing to be ashamed of here! Can we all just go back to talking about how much we hate children on food stamps?


Is “indicted for” a better response, then?

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We should be ashamed that we live in a country with this idiot in the Senate.



Sick of these fucking cowards (I’m not calling a fellow veteran a coward because of his service, but because he is avoiding owning any mistakes and being a dishonest hypocrite which really pisses me off). Anyone who remembers the climate of the country back in 2002 remembers it was strictly binary - support the president (and don’t question the war, or how we’re fighting the war, or what we’re trying to do) or you support terrorists, hate America, and you’re a traitor. There was no middle ground on this. Now they want to come back and pretend it was different, and they would have known better, but use slick words to weasel out of it. Fuck you. Every last one of you. Go to hell.


Probably a constant. Now they are just louder and have multiple microphones. Look at Mark Twain’s commentary about Congress for example.

Please keep talking, Sen Cotton, please !

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“Tom Cotton: We Shouldn’t ‘Be Ashamed’ Of Iraq War”


Especially, the liars that got us into the messy business of war crimes!

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One more thing, there was NO mistake!

This was a deliberate, calculated, misrepresentation of the facts!!

All made up by dick & co., so that he could get his way back into another war with Iraq (since he thought bush daddy pulled out too soon.)

If (heaven forbid) another gop/bag gets the white house, how long do you think it will take to push an all out war in several of the middle eastern countries?