Discussion for article #228836
Wow. Republicans think that voters are really, really dumb.
The appalling truth is that roughly half the time, they’re right.
Tom, why don’t you just cut to the chase and scream
Actually, Rep. Cotton, before Obama, the student loan system was already somewhat nationalized: the federal government gave money to private banks to provide the loans, and then guaranteed about 97 percent of the value of the loan.
The banks made money without facing any real exposure if the student couldn’t pay.
It’s the supply-side version of socialism: privatized profit, public risk.
Nice work if you can get it.
He’s too stupid even to lie skilfully.
You’re right … IRS and now IS/ISIS/ISIL … Obola!!!1!!!eleven!!! and move on?
Leave it to a Republican to consider such practical legislation in a negative light. Evidently Cotton would rather that the government kept paying banks to make those loans. He evidently thinks paying a middle man is the right thing to do. What a tool.
How else do you think the GOPers plan to grow the economy? Adding middlemen, (consultants, etc.), and more layers of unnecessary management is how they fleece the lower 47%.
That belief is confirmed every time they look around the House and see a Republican majority.
Here’s hoping Pryor already knows student loan debt is a huge issue for younger adults, so Cotton’s remark just plays into that. Make sure the young adults know this now that we’re hitting GOTV time.
You can fool all of the people some of the time and
some of the people all of the time – and that’s good
enough to win an election.
That’s exactly why they’re desperate to privatize anything they can get their hands on. There’s huge money to be made for their cronies. Just imagine the windfall for these parasites if they got Social Security in their clutches.
We need Chuck Todd to tell us whether Mr. Cotton is now disqualified from running for office from here on out.
Todd is now the Big Man, the Head Honcho, the Main Dude, the Head Cheese who decides whether people are qualified or unqualified to run for office. It comes with his new job at Meet the Press. And you’d damn well better be impressed.
We really need Mr. Todd to STFU and focus on his new role.
Republicans figured out things like truth or facts are detrimental to their cause. So they stopped using them all together. They are shameless con artists who will lie with glowing smiles on their faces. And if they are called out on their lies, it’s gotcha journalism and the liberal media attacking them. The most successful tactic Fox News has achieved is getting conservatives voters to buy into the BS that every negative story you hear about a conservative pundit or politician is a conspiracy by the liberal media to destroy them. So don’t believe any of it! it’s all lies. It has worked. These people are teflon in their districts and states. They can say anything and get away with it. The more foul it is, the more they are praised, like this idiot woman in Missouri and her calling for a Military coup to over throw Obama. It’s disgusting…but, in most cases, it helps them with their constituents.
The real problem is neither party will do anything, now or after November, to help students who cannot afford to payoff their debt. They can’t realistically declare bankruptcy as much of the debt they carry are government loans and the means testing restrictions to qualify for a Chap 7 filing in the the Bankruptcy Reform Act 2005 make it a modern day version of debtor’s prison.
Student debt today is greater than credit card debt and today’s students are tomorrow’s consumers. Senator Warren proposes reducing and fixing the interest rate on student debt at 4%(?). Thanks for nothing Liz. The president at one put out feelers absolving students’ debt above $50,000.00. That lasted about a week. The federal government profited 50 billion from student debt in 2012.
So that leaves the obvious: if the government can bail out the banks, why not the same for the students? Neither part will touch this issue.
Proving what, that Obamacare has helped not only tens of millions of previously uncovered or very poorly covered Americans to get top quality healthcare but as a free bonus, it has also benefitted millions of young Americans by giving them access to higher education.
The ancillary benefits of Obamacare may not ever be totally understood or quantifiable.
Not exactly true. While they aren’t going to do exactly precisely what Darcy wants them to do, the Dems have been trying a number of avenues for a number of years to reduce student debt. They have tucked student debt relief in a number of bills – increasing pell grants, reducing number of years to forgiveness, expanding program options for repayment and forgiveness.
For them to do what you want them to do, you need a solid majority of Dems in both Houses of Congress. And Dems who are committed to solve the student debt problem. That means, no Blue Dogs. That’s what it’s going to take. Or, Darcy, you can always stew and fume about it on the internets. That always helps.
They do the same thing with Medicare. Claim Obama cut Medicare to pay for the AFA, but he never did. The savings came from new efficiencies in the program.