Discussion: TIMELINE: How The Deadly Shooting Of Police Officers In Dallas Unfolded

Absolutely terrible news. In no way is this justified, and it will most likely increase the number of shootings by nervous officers.


I guess Dallas never changes. I’m old enough to remember another snipper shooting and we lost one of our most intelligent presidents!!!

THey are doing the stupidity of not saying details about description or name but most importantly getting a picture out there. Timothy McVeigh was caught because of picture getting out there right away, people’s memory is transient, now is the time to start finding any connections the shooters have in the world. What is the purpose of the staying dark anyway?

Only the one suspect killed-- who assisted in perpetrating this cold-blooded crime-- ‘deserved’ to lose his life.
A premeditated crime. Not a crime of passion.

The Dallas killings may have been motivated from the shootings in LA and MN-- but four shooters?
You don’t just round-up four (militarily-trained?) snipers–
on a spur-of-the-moment whim and carry out a calculated plan like is one.
This group was waiting for an opportunity such as this to ambush LEOs.
And took the opportunity.

Three living suspects are in custody. And if I’m hearing things correctly DPD is still looking for one more?
This story is going to be a tangle of information-- for some time IMO.

Bless the victims, and give strength to the families of the fallen.



Indeed. Many of comments/tweets on that pic have him in the crowd marching peacefully with the protestors.
Open Carry. Not such a great idea after all.

Everyone who spouts off about needing an arsenal of firearms at home to defend against the tyrannical government, should be asked what that rebellion would look like. How they would know the difference between their freedom fighter fantasy and the terrorist act that just happened in Dallas? How would their answers change if they were unaware of the shooters’ skin colors?


This is tragic but I must say I’m not surprised. Our nation has been on a path to a tipping point with what’s happened (or rather not happened) over the last 10 or 15 years.

Flooding our streets with guns from misreading the US Constitution (“well regulated militia”) and failing to fix our racist domestic police and judicial system = anarchy.

We should lay the blame at the feet of those who have created a nation that has become a banana republic:

  1. Wealth concentration
  2. Guns all over the place
  3. A judicial and policing system that looks at skin tone 1st, income level 2nd, and everything else 3rd

Obama has been afraid to act…he doesn’t want to end up like JFK and RFK. Plus his hands have been tied by the obstuctionist Republicans who won’t even do their job on filling a vacant SCOTUS seat let alone follow the actual words of the Constitution on the 2nd amendment (a well regulated militia)!

Our country is at a critical tipping point and the Republicans in DC better get off their butts and get to work and stop being obstructionists!


Anyone taking bets on the rifles used? Want to bet the NRA’s cynically named “modern sporting rifles” were used? Want to bet they used high capacity magazines? We express our gratitude to those Officers that put their lives at risk in these situations, but do nothing to keep the weapons of war off of our city streets. Thanks to all those Patriots in the Senate and House that refuse to do anything about these high powered, high capacity weapons. You want to see what “2nd Amendment Solutions” look like? Here you go.


Somehow they think the pitchfork & AR-15 militia won’t be coming for them in their gated communities


The cops can only kill so many innocents without retaliation, and this act was the boiling point.
The connection can not be denied.


Judging from the info that the Dallas police dept has just released—including an alleged statement that one of the killers wanted to target white cops— it would seem to be the case that at least some of the shooters were African American. I wonder if the NRA will have a victory celebration for having achieved their goal of spreading firearms insanity to every segment of the population.

Sales will mushroom.


Sadly, I was reading some very off-putting comments on other boards blaming Obama, of course. So much hate. Despicable.


Do you blame Los Angeles for Robert Kennedy?

On NPR heard some official explaining that the dead suspect was killed with a bomb after “negotiations failed”. Really? What necessitated termination with extreme prejudice? Was he an active danger, still?

Congratulations America. You’re officially a de facto war zone.

I sensed recently a strengthening effort and messaging for non-violence, and with the recent murder-by-cop incidences taking place I thought maybe this could be a turning point where even the more dense citizens start taking note of what’s been going on. But these actions of just a few in Dallas completely wiped all of that off the table and shifted any productive focus on the issue straight back to the usual division. Like one poster already stated, the usual suspects are blaming Obama and continuing on with the stupid ‘All Lives Matter’ bullshit. With no reasonable discourse in the media and a congress completely obsessed with Hillary witch hunts and not much else, this shit is just going to continue on as usual. :sad face:


When I was a young man growing up in New England, the “cop on the beat” was a really neat job and someone that all the boys looked up to. I wonder if that is still the case? And how many of us would encourage a young person to go into local law enforcement? There is a deep sadness to all of this.

Today my thoughts are muddled. I know they will be muddled tomorrow, as well.

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Holy carp, even Pete Sessions is talking about sanity and not pointing fingers and how cops need to understand that their actions have an impact on the community, even as the community needs to remember that we all need our cops. He’s urging unity and restraint and no rush to judgment about this, and saying that this, and the lockdown incident, all serves to remind everyone that we’re all vulnerable in modern society.

He sounds… sane. Reasonable. Did the meeting w/Trump yesterday go so badly that Congressional Republicans are forced to escape to the real world?


Arms profiteers know how to make terrorists abroad. Now they make them here.

The only way to reduce terrorism is to address the root causes and to transform our use of power in the world. ~ Diane Perlman in The Psychology of Terrorism, ed. Chris Stout

Ok, so it’s Obama and George Soro’s fault. Just get them and it’s fixed. https://www.oathkeepers.org/navyjack-understanding-campaign-destabilize-united-states/

The great taproot of crazy. And WWTD?

Yep. What you see is what your knowledge tells you you’re seeing. And cable news has a stranglehold on telling.