Discussion: Tim Tebow: No, I'm Not Speaking At The Republican Convention

I think the information got garbled. Trump just wants Tebow to come pick up his helmet.


Too many empty chairs, he didn’t want to have to address more than 5.

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What does Trump see in Tebow? He was a crappy loser quarterback.


He would have spoken, but to qualify he had to complete a 10 yard pass in only 1 attempt.


Himself, I’d think—a celebrity who isn’t really good at doing anything constructive.


So no Tebow and apparently Trump has thrown Pence under the bus and since Pence has a deadline today to run for Governor, and Trumo declaring he hasnt in fact made up his mind it appears it’s more of the same from Trump, What a fucking mess. If HRC did anything like this can you imagine?.


A congressional investigation of course.


I saw on tv this morning that Trump was waiting to reveal his pick in light of the terrorist attack in Nice.

I guess he doesn’t want to be in 2nd place or something.


Perhaps Trump saw Field of Dreams and thought it was a documentary. That would explain his charitable contributions, his witnessing of events on 9/11, and all the celebrities he’s said would be at the RNC, all being proclaimed loudly and presumed to be true by Trump. If he books them, they will come. I guess that’s more Wayne’s World.


Tebow heard Roger Ailes wanted a private meeting as a condition for making a speech and decided to bail.


Trump responds: “That loser owes me. Looks what I paid for that damned helmet!”

BTW: How is it a “rumor” when the information came directly from the Trump campaign?
That’s just a … LIE! N’est pas??? ___ But I’m sure today: “We never invited him. We have no idea where this rumor started. It was a conspiracy by the lamestream media to embarrass Mr. Trump…garble, garble, garble…”

Once again, that empty chair is looking pretty damned good.

The FUBAR Trumpalooza in Cleveland continues to burn hotter than the Cuyahoga in 1969:


We are about to witness something at this convention .The networks will try to “HYPE” the “UNHYPEABLE” if there is such a word and it should be interesting especially the visuals.

The Media’s Gift to Trump: Low Expectations

When a candidate starts in the cellar in terms of behavior and temperament, there’s nowhere to go but up.

By Neal Gabler | July 13, 2016

“I was struck over the past 10 days or so by the way the media covered
two episodes. The first was Donald Trump’s retweeting of that
now-infamous white supremacist meme showing Hillary Clinton against the
backdrop of hundred-dollar bills with a red six-pointed star slapped
beside her, suggesting that she was the puppet of Jewish money. The
second was Trump’s press release on the killings of two black men by
police and the murders of five police officers in Dallas.The
media response to the first was remarkably tepid, considering that a
major-party candidate was spreading a scurrilous anti-Semitic libel, and
considering that Trump, far from recanting, actually said he regretted
that his staff had taken it down. The media response to the second was
shock followed by congratulations. They had obviously expected Trump to
blame the Black Lives Matter movement for the Dallas killings, as former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani did.When Trump instead issued a restrained message,
expressing a need for moderation, you would have thought he had assumed
the mantle of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., although under the
circumstances, this is precisely the kind of statement any normal politician would make.”


If you think about Trump and what he has revealed about himself since he began his campaign for President (which was not particularly known even in his celebrity radius here in NYC) is that he admires the White Guy who stood up and almost made it in a Rigged System, in a sport which has become predominantly African American.

Also, Trump owned the NJ Generals in the USFL and made an attempt to have his team absorbed into the NFL, to the detriment of all the other teams in that defunct League. There is an ESPN documentary on the subject. Trump loves Football and professional athletes, and a few former NY Yankees endorsed him early in his campaign.


Maybe Team Trump is just going to set the $12,000 helmet on Clint’s empty chair and give it an hour of airtime.


In case no one noticed what happened here , let me fill everyone in. Trumps advisers released a list of individuals who they say are going to speak. Of course Trump would love to have all Tebow fans vote for him , so with out asking Tebow he just put his name on the list to give the appearance of an endorsement. Trump will win the news cycle because yesterday’s story is that " Tebow is speaking at convention" implying he has Tebows endorsement when in fact he does not. This is right out of the Trump play book.


It’s just as well. If he tebows on stage, no one will see him behind the podium.


I am shocked – SHOCKED – to learn that Trump would make shit up.


“He endorsed me by letting me buy his helmet…and by changing my nappy!”


There are millions of people, barely familiar with football, who thought Tebow was The Greatest because he wore Christianity on his sleeve and tried to make it his unique “brand” (never mind the fact that hundreds of far better players are men of deep faith). In other words, his followers are Trump’s: dumb asses who are easily duped because they beg to be duped.