Discussion for article #234147
Even though he could have caucused with either party, and going with the Republicans would have given him majority party benefits like committee assignments, any time I’ve heard him speak it sounds like Angus King is pretty happy he didn’t go that way.
“weakens our president, weakens our country, weakens our credibility”
The GOP doesn’t care about that. They are more concerned about being able to start a war with Iran.
Tim Kaine is undercutting President Cotton’s foreign policy prerogatives. Just wait until President McConnell hears about this!
The equation for what Kaine is saying is as follows:
Angus King (I) is twice the Democrat that half the Democrats in the Senate are. The (I) isn’t for “centrist,” its for “what is with you guys and the mealymouthed mush?”
Well that and that the President is black of course.
Mature enough? The case could be made that diapers and depends are two adjacent points on the GOTP circle.
And it’s heartwarming to see grumpy old pink men playing alongside the infants of their caucus.
Except in matters of national security and foreign policy it really isn’t so much heartwarming as it is worrisome.
Actually, they don’t care about weakening our country, and I suspect that they think that credibility is worthless if it’s not backed up by bombs, but I think that they very much care about weakening the President.
Oh please call it what it is “Treason”. If democrats did this when President Bush was in office the media would have been all over this for undercutting the POTUS by taking away his right to negotiate foreign affairs diplomacy. Imagine if democrats sent a letter to the dictator of North Korea, or even China under President Bush saying don’t trust this president on anything he says because when the next president gets in office any deal or diplomacy that is conducted won’t matter.
Definitively the party of petulant spoiled brats is not responsible or nearly mature enough to have anything to do with government.
What has President Limbaugh said about this?
They are making us look like a banana republic with the childish little despot in charge.
The times I’ve heard A King speak, he comes off as thoughtful and moderate. I’ve never heard anything that indicated that he could fit in with the teabaggers.
Lecturing these fools won’t help – prosecute.
What is our excuse for not voting? How do we so casually discard the right for which so many have fought? How do we so fully give away our power, our voice in shaping America’s future? Why are we pointing to somebody else, when we can take the time, just to go to the f’…{fucking} …polling places. - President Barack Obama
"He said he’d be disappointed if Congress cannot “resist the temptation to politicize … this grave issue of war and peace.”
I think it’s time to be disappointed.
You just know if these fatalistic clowns had been running the show 70 years ago we’d all be speaking Japanese today.
Still wondering why Kaine isn’t; being considered for Prez. I don’t love the guy, but he’s eminently electable
Apparently the “esteemed” Senators haven’t been paying attention to today’s GOP. If they had been they wouldn’t need to ask a question with such an obvious answer.
Cotton is a little twerp who I’d love to knock on his ass. So just because he fired a weapon in Iraq or Afghanistan he’s some kind of expert on foreign policy?