Discussion: Tim Kaine: Flynn Pushes Conspiracies That '4th Graders Would Find Incredible'

Kaine said that sharing such conspiracies show “a
sense of either gullibility or malice" on Flynn's part.

I would of said " both " … Tim


Such talk from a replicant isn’t surprising.

I would have replaced he word “gullibility” with “stupidity”, but otherwise applaud him for saying this.

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Cries of “fake news” has become meaningless to describe the complete fictions being shared on Facebook because some people are now using it to describe articles that contain actual news they don’t like.


That person’s nominees make Baby Jane Hudson look totally sane in comparison.


Kaine’s remarks are an insult to 4th graders everywhere.


If I have to choose just one, put me down for “malice”. Like Kaine says, a fourth-grader couldn’t be that gullible. Hanlon’s Razor does not apply.


A month before the election, Chapman University published its annual “Survey of American Fears”, from which we learn such tidbits as:

  • 54.3% of Americans think the government is hiding what it knows about 9/11.
  • 49.6% believe it’s covering up details of the JFK assassination.
  • 42.6% are convinced it’s hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life.

But the most remarkable thing we know from this statistically-random and completely-representative sample of our population is that a whopping 32.5% of all Americans agree with the statement:

“The government is concealing what they know about the North Dakota Crash.”

This is remarkable because there’s no such thing as “The North Dakota Crash”. The researchers just made up a name, and threw it in to see how people would respond.

So sleep well knowing that one in three of those who walk among us – and drive cars, and own guns, and vote – will believe absolutely anything.

Including the made-up name of a non-conspiracy of which they’ve never heard and know nothing.

(Weeps for his country.)


On Facebook you will learn that if California and New York are overlooked, tangerine won the popular vote.

@irasdad Was there talk of Elvis and JFK being seen in a Wal Mart in Arkansas shopping for tube socks? A friend of mine would always express her horror about a clueless citizen by saying “And he (she) gets to vote?” Take those people out of the equation only five or six, seven tops, are left to make the important decisions.


There are now lists of fake news sites being pass around social media. The list includes sites such as Crooks & Liars, Think Progress and Media Matters. TPM is probably there, too.

C&L had an article about it a week or two ago.


Be sure to read the comments at the bottom of the page of that Chapman study. All of them accused those behind the study of bias.


I’ve always said that the fatal flaw of democracy is that most people know what’s best for themselves, but it takes unusual intelligence to know what’s best for everybody. I now realize that I was wrong. Most people don’t even know what’s good for themselves…


I sometimes wonder if I’m in a liberal bubble. If I’m disconnected from reality because I dismiss what conservative news outlets say as lies. Like my previous post says, takes uncommon intelligence to know what’s best for everybody, and I’m pretty sure I don’t have it =)

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

H. L. Mencken


You are hiding the truth by using the overly broad “some people”.


So … exactly how do the Chapman University researchers know there is no such thing as “The North Dakota Crash?”

Number one on the all-time list of frauds always has to be a blank because, by definition, it hasn’t been revealed yet.

That 32.5% is just ahead of the curve, that’s all. Yeah, that must be it. So very, very far ahead …

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Most people anymore seem to cling to their “side” of the political divide out of all reason while claiming theirs is the only side that will do for them what they think is good. The problem seems to be that “what is good” for people is all over the place - a lot of white people apparently think it would be “good” for them if all non-white people just disappeared once and for all.

Your comment (and the low 32.5% level of awareness) reveals how successful the concealment has been in this particular case.

I might be “disappeared” after posting this, but the most incredible government coverup in the post -WWII period has us believing the Sun will expand and vaporize the Earth in a few billion years, even though that event already occurred.

When the agents contact you, I’m just somebody you read on the internet, and you don’t know me at all in real life.

Edited to add:
Damn you, j.dave. Only a government agent could delay my comment long enough to insert a similar comment just above mine, making it appear as if talk about not-yet-revealed coverups is just a humorous take on the Chapman study.


They are among us. Sometimes, they are us.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

Just watch yourself. I’m sure watching myself. And trying not to lose track of irasdad, who started this and whose role was only concealed until he blew his cover.