Discussion: Tillerson Says Iran Nuclear Deal A Failure, Leaves Open Possibility Of Upholding It

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Jesus F Christ, the Trump administration is taking both sides of every issue along with five other positions nobody knew existed.


“An unchecked [ insert name here ] has the potential to travel the same path as North Korea — and to take the world along with it.”

Says the rest of the world – about a country not named Iran.


I read the headline and ear worm!


“Rex Smash!!!”


Thanks Rex. Any more countries you want to antagonize or are you ready to go back to sleep?

This is the same asshole that blamed his wife for convincing him to take the job at State. What a dick.



The very very best State Dept. ever.


Every time Tillerson opens his mouth he confirms what a rank amateur he is at diplomacy and foreign affairs – which given who appointed him is not surprising. Aside from Iran and the U.S., the nuclear agreement involves five other nations, the E.U. and the U.N. If we were to even consider pulling out of the agreement while Iran is complying we would alienate all of our allies who are involved (and who would not cooperate with us) and prove to the entire world that the United States is not to be trusted. Unfortunately, Trumps “whirling dervish” approach to policy he has already set the table for international distrust of us, but abandonment of the Iran agreement without relevant cause would seal that distrust and set the world stage for a devastating, if not cataclysmic war.


So the Administration just certified to Congress the deal is working, but for the rubes “it is a failure.”

Got it.


The JCPOA fails to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear Iran. It only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state.”

Yea, and the best way to guaranty that they will become a nuclear state is for the Sec. of State to continue to make off the scale stupid remarks like this one.


Of course. Everything about the Obama administration is a failed disaster. But, we’re going to continue just about all of Obama’s policies and programs (with different names and while still criticizing the policies and demonizing Obama) because … well, we’ve got nothing else and certainly nothing better.


So Obama settled the Iran nuclear issue permanently and forever with his one deal? Now no further negotiations are possible in the next 10+ years? I guess I didn’t get that memo.

The rhetoric out of the GOP implies a permanence to the deal that just isn’t there. 10 years is a long time, and there will certainly be many opportunities to build another international coalition and negotiate amendments if the need arises.

But since Bibi is shitting himself in fear of a future he’ll likely only be viewing from behind bars, we have to resign ourselves to the (alternate) fact that nothing can be done in the intervening decade to further the goal of a nuke-free Iran.


I’m pretty sure that as a young man Trump was a devotee of the Kamasutra.

Secretary Exxon is aware that the treaty is very much multi-national?

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The JCPOA fails to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear Iran

It’s objective was to limit and control, not eliminate. What an ass.


Very interesting. You might almost think this was planned.


Preshitident Trump and the Trump Organization are readying for one of their big pay days from their collusion with Putin and Russian intelligence. Many people are saying that the Trump, Cuck Kushner and First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump will get nearly 20% of Rosneft when it goes public and Pence and Ryan will get a fraction of the that in exchange for their services in changing US foreign policy on Ukraine and for removing sanctions that holding back Exxons partnership with Rosneft. Tillorsen set the stage for that during his bizarre visit to Moscow/

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Iran is getting a lesson from you, if you have nukes you get treated with kid gloves. This is all rattling and no saber. Never thought Trump was a war monger, just a grifter. There is no profit is USING the weapons, just building them and brandishing them to make sure he can build his Golf Resorts where he wishes.

As far as I’m concerned he can steal as much as he wants as long as he leaves the social benefit programs alone. The problem is he has that same deal in reverse with the GOP higher ups. He can steal as much as he wants as long as he demolishes all social benefits programs.

Chaffetz is leaving, expect other rats to follow suit …

He’s going to have to get a leather flight jacket if he’s going to start another nuke problem…

Climate Change may become a moot point, because Trump and his band of deranged clowns will blunder us into WW3. Really. The world may be destroyed in the next couple of years; Trump is that fuggin’ reckless and stupid.

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