“Reluctance”? Well, that’s one word for it…
Hugly Bigly Understatement of the year. More like lies, more lies, obstruction and then more lying.
Important to notice is that WSJ is turning on Trump. They may be owned by News Corpse, but they publish to the policymakers, not the Deplorables.
A “reluctance” to be truthful, aka a serial liar methinks.
This is an interesting suggestion and not the dumbest position to take IMHO. “Prove your innocence by being transparent.” Because then you can be shocked, shocked when it turns out they weren’t innocent.
Donnie’s idea of transparency…
There is a very good reason for the lack of transparency. They have been colluding and they know it will be devastating if the details come out. The cover-up is the last ditch effort to prevent that. Republicans seem to assume that there is a cover-up going on, although there is nothing of substance to cover up.
Senator John “My entire electoral career is based on the fact that I am half-way decent looking compared to the other troglodyte candidates in the Republican Party” Thune finally removes the refrigerated cucumber slices from his eyelids.
But, of course, in about 27 minutes, after some calls from Donald, Reince, Mitch, and Ryan, he will be screaming “Benghazi” and “emails” and bears. Oh, my!
We got our full explanation from Trump already. He asked Putin, and Putin said Russia didn’t meddle in the election.
How much more transparent can you get? [snark]
Man, when an idiot savant of the Republican Party like Thune starts getting worried about the Russia scandal, something is hitting the fan.
Of course, unlike “Rain Man”, Thune cannot count the toothpicks.
The truth is obviously much more damaging than the lies. Hence absolute obfuscation.
Oh I’m going with Trump didn’t collude but others may have. Along with Trump’s vanity on how rich he is not. The strings to unravel this sweater are out there to be pulled, which will leave Dear Leader with no clothes and necked (as a southern expression of not just naked but also up to no good).
Rats abandoning the sinking ship?
It is a challenging maneuver, to knife someone under the 6th rib without leaving fingerprints. Even more so when on camera in front of the entire world. I’m sure he means well, and that he sincerely intends his words to be a form of tough love- and I’m confident that Trump will take it in that spirit.
And frankly I think it’s far better than “concerned” and “troubled.” Core cult worshipers won’t change no matter what, but this line of suggestion may find some listeners among soft supporters who may have started having doubt at the back of their mind.
Trump is so fricking stupid he’ll threaten to primary Thune.
With Trump approval numbers below water and a growing sentiment among voters that he should be impeached, we should start seeing the pivot among career congressmen toward “maybe there is something to all this treason talk”. They need to be on record talking out of each side of their mouths.
‘You bet. Live in fear, Pretty Boy!’ -DJT
Yeh, normally it’s called lying to cover up.