I cannot imagine Little junior doing anything without Da-da’s approval and knowledge. Just like Ivankadonk and Eric the Dread. Can’t risk losing that inheritance from their rich thousand-aire father!
“Hey, Pops! Uncle Vlad sez I can haz Estonia after it’s al over!”
Yes, well, that’s sort of the difference between having an affair with your secretary or chief of staff and treason. In one case, you can reveal all and beg forgiveness and probably get away with it. In the other, not so much.
There is a significant difference between Clinton-Lewinsky and Trump-Putin.
Every phone call or email. And every Trump business relationship with Russians going back years.
Is Thune an amateur gibbet hobbyist?
Looks to me like the reluctance is on the part of republicans to describe these excuses as the lies they are. As Thune demonstrates.
Oh, and also, horrendously vulgar & personal attacks that he aims at women who are insufficiently docile are, as per Ryan, “not helpful.” These guys can barely even dip their little toe into critisizing their buffoon in chief.
Yeah, well, there’s been a “reluctance”, among the GOP/Teatrolls to admit the Russian collusion issue is real and a BFD, not to mention their “reluctance” to stop enabling Trump’s historic dumpster arson.
I’m confident that Trump will be so worried about those politely worded concerns and those furrowed brows that he will do a complete 180 and start leveling with us.
Hahahahahahahaha…their desperation is so fucking palpable at this point…
Yes, that’s THE top “story” on Faux News today hahahahaha
“…the intelligence committees and the others that have looked at this have not found any evidence of collusion to this point”
Come again?
Ted Cruz’s dad killed Vince Foster. Pssst, pass it on…
The email itself is actual evidence of collusion if not outright conspiracy. And I’m tired of trump surrogates saying, “nothing came of the meeting,” or “it only lasted 10 minutes,” Nobody has any idea what was said at that meeting–unless Manafort got an immunity deal and is spilling the beans.
They can read the weekly ratings charts just like everybody else.
WSJ circulation is way down, NYT and WaPo are way up.
FOX News viewership is way down, MSNBC’s is way up.
Remember, for Murdoch, at the end of the day; Money Talks, Bullshit Walks.
Nah. Hillary was too busy running her child-sex-ring in the basement of a Pizza Parlor in DC (that has no basement) to do any of that. I know because InfoWars told me.
Have you heard a single journalist ask an administration representative “If Donald Jr had been handed allegedly incriminating information about Hillary what would he have done with it? Would he have passed it on to the campaign for use, or notified law enforcement, as the President’s FBI nominee recommends in his confirmation hearing? And if he passed it to the campaign would the meeting have been viewed a success because of it?”
Now THERE is some fancy political ‘dancing’ for you!
Of course he’s reluctant to be transparent. If I’d done what Trump did, I’d lie about it too!
“Transparency” would mean half the West Wing being perp-walked before the close of business today. I’m not saying that lying out of every orifice is the right thing to do, but to the extent that he wants to cling to power another day, it’s at least the correct tactic.
And in the Department of Understatement, Sen. Thune will next reveal that the ocean is damp.
Many scientists say it is not. I don’t know their names, I think Ken Ham has the list.
If you’re a stone thrower, the last place you want to inhabit is a glass house.
Well, of course not.
When you are a bigwig rich CEO type, you have people to do that for you.