What an effing coward. I wonder what he was promised.
Anti-American asshole.
Spine of jello. Thanks for standing up for the constitution, loser.
What was the ask?
It’s almost as if Tillis thinks it’s the President’s role to decide what are Congress’ rights and responsibilities rather than the Constitution.
I wish I had a recording of the conversation I just had with his office. He opposes executive action, especially when Obama did it, blah blah blah, but Tillis supports THIS policy so it’s okay.
I tried to explain to the lady that such a stance is utterly useless and cuts to the core of representative democracy.
I’ll be so happy when Thom loses.
Another republican profile in courage putting himself before his country. A coward, and an idiot -[Tillis] * predicted Trump “is prepared to transfer power back” to Congress — just not yet.
Tillis is my senator and absolutely awful. If it wasn’t for the murderous gun lobby he wouldn’t be in office. It is a complete joke that after writing his editorial he has thought more about the issue and now opposes the resolution. The jellyfish simply caved to some Republican pressure.
What an effing coward. I wonder what he was promised.
Trump was going to return Tillis’s testicles to him. But just for the weekend.
Profile in Courage.
With Trump as their standard bearer, it’s a race to the bottom for Republicans.
Limp dick is limp.
So surprising. Has Susie C yanked the football back, yet, to the surprise of only Susie C and the media?
Pretty clear Trump grabbed him by the pussy and squeezed 'til he agreed to play ball.
Great picture. You can almost see the wheels going around and the smoke coming out of his ears as he tries to triangulate this vote.
What does that even mean? We always knew that the so-called “strict constructionists” of the Constitution were full of shit. But their blatant hypocrisy is absolutely stunning in its shamelessness.
I wonder what Trump has on him? This shouldn’t be this hard. It’s a crappy declaration, it’s no emergency, they are taking money from projects CONGRESS decided on and they are being THREATENED.
Fuck you, Tillis.
Go ahead and join the Motherfucker Brigade.
“My op-ed gave me opportunity to talk to my colleagues here”
And here I was prepared to send my Senator a Thank You letter for protecting Constitutional Values, ensuring strength of Checks and Balances in the futures. I did send him an email in support of voting for the disavowal.
But no, now I have to send him the typical, “you keep ignoring the majority of your Constituents and NC is no better off” card.