Discussion: This Was The Week The GOP's Anti-Obamacare Circus Died

Discussion for article #222552

This is indeed interesting but isn’t there some sort of judgement due today about the “Origination clause”? Now THAT is going to be very newsworthy compared to the ongoing efforts by the GOTP Legistators to derail Obamacare.

“This Was The Week The GOP’s Anti-Obamacare Circus Came Crashing Down…”

…and their Benghazi Circus came roaring back.


Yes indeed it did! Check this out…



Yes, but such a dull show it is.

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  • “It is baffling that we could have some of our nation’s largest insurers, and you all don’t have any internal analysis of what these rates are going to be.”*

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha…

These are private sector, for-profit businesses who aren’t going to signal their future pricing to their competitors in advance, especially when all the information needed isn’t yet available. If you want that kind of thing, you should propose a “government take-over of healthcare” and push it through Congress.


But but Benghazi!!!


even though the “witnesses” stated they did not know if insurance premium increase every year we know they will, as premiums raise every year., the question is,how much? the rates won’t “” sky rocket" as the GOP contend. What the Republicans are failing to realize, or admit to, is competition brings prices down, .not up. The AHA is having that affect. ,Everybody’s premium should decrease, because insurance companies want to stay competitive



Obamacare has just created millions of new customers for insurance companies, and you think those companies want to help you break it?


It has certainly been a windfall for the insurance companies. Whodathunk that?

History will bitch-slap these clowns - a name ( not yet coined) will be applied - and it will be highly pejorative - but regardless of how negative the name for the GOP/ Tea Party wacko saboteurs might initially be - the name, in time, will take on an even more hugely negative meaning - making Luddite seem mild.
Future generations will make pilgrimages to urinate on the graves of Boehner, McConnel and the like .


And they won’t even complete their internal pricing analysis until
they manage to compile detailed information on who, exactly,
signed up AND get some actual data on their health care
utilization. The GOP today is absolutely clueless on how things
(almost anything) actually works.


Wot, no repeal? O noes!



It’s a shame the GOP didn’t bother to come up with and pass an alternative healthcare plan while spending all their time bashing ACA!

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And it’s saving people’s lives because now - for the first time - insurers can’t deny or price out people with pre-existing conditions. And then there’s expanded Medicaid…in some states.

It’s a good thing Tamara Williams lives in Arkansas, where Medicaid was expanded, and not in Florida or she’d be dead or dying like Charlene Dill.


Marsha Blackburn doesn’t seem to understand the term “private company.” Maybe now that corporations are people, Marsha now thinks she can brow-beat and shame them. Profit motive will see to end of that pipe-dream real quick.

Ha, like actuaries are a real thing.

Ranting ‘throwing-their-own-feces’ Republican Congresscritters expect everyone to be as incompetent as they are themselves. Imagine the shock, {{{ The Horror! }}}, when they discover that people in other jobs actually do those jobs!


Don’t you worry your pointy lil’ heads, Republicans doochenoozles’. I’m sure there’s bad new in there somewhere, just keep digging…digging…digging.

FACT: The GOPigs actually believe that reality conforms to the lies that they tell themselves.
That’s the only thing that explains their building castles in the air like good neurotics, and then moving into them, like good psychotics.