Discussion: This Was The Week The GOP's Anti-Obamacare Circus Died

Republican response: “Bbbbbbutttt…bbbbbuuutt…uhhhh…laugh at us and heap scorn on us all you want, but how does this help us get to the bottom of Benghazi? BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!”

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Rightie Republicans who tell the truth about Obamacare are about as plentiful as voters who actually commit voter fraud.


Bad actors

Which is why there is going to be the more Benghazi hearings…they have no policy to speak of, so this is all they can do.


Private for-profit insurers are in a happy place:

The Democrats passed a Republican private for-profit insurance industry subsidy program (see 1 below)
The Republicans, having used passage of a bad bill to bludgeon Obama, have now run out of juice
Leaving the private for-profit insurance subsidy program in-place
Minimizing the passage of universal single-payer health care.

Winner: Private for-profit insurance industry.
Losers: American taxpayers and consumers.

  1. Republican Sen. John Chafee of Rhode Island was the point man for the earlier version of Obamacare (ACA). The bill he introduced, Health Equity and Access Reform Today, (yes, that spells HEART) had a list of 20 co-sponsors that was a who’s who of Republican leadership. There was Minority Leader Bob Dole, R- Kan., Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and many others. There also were two Democratic co-sponsors.
    Among other features, the Chafee bill included:
    An individual mandate;
    Creation of purchasing pools;
    Standardized benefits;
    Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance;
    A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition.
    “You would find a great deal of similarity to provisions in the Affordable Care Act,” Sheila Burke, Dole’s chief of staff in 1993, told PunditFact via email.

Awwwwwww! Teahadists, they has a Sad!


Maybe I’m hoping for too much, but I’m expecting Kerry to give it to those idiots with both barrels with his opening remarks.
If he’s smart, he’ll have his speechwriters put plenty of good sound bite material into it.


Dems need to do as North Carolina’s Kay Hagan has done: Don’t run FROM Obamacare, run WITH it.


“…You have done no internal analysis on what the trend line is for these premiums?..”

Big government Blackburn wants private enterprise to answer to the Feds.


One might get the feeling that they didn’t want to do anything that might help millions of Americans.

Hope more get that feeling.


Unfortunately, the GOP lacks the courage to face the truth. So long they tried to kill the Obamacare absolutely on false and fabricated data. Now that all their efforts backfired, they are in search of a way out. Interestingly, the very name ‘Obamacare’ they imposed hatefully in lieu of it’s actual name ‘Affordable Care Act’ has fully been accepted by most Americans. Thanks to GOP extremists, Obamacare has become a part of the law and part of the American health care history -at least in the level of general public.


I signed in just so I could “like” this! Perfect.

What do you expect when the show is run by clowns?

Well I just have to point out that … BENGHAZZZZIIII!!!

“… crashing down …”

Oh, that won’t slow the bounce in these guy’s steps.

These cocky bureaucrats rule the roost – the media, most legislatures, districts – and they know it. They have the means to marshal political power faster than you can swing a lantern from a tower window. They have God’s own money – actually our money – an economic policy that says they need to get more money for our good, while leaving that pesky government out of it.

The problem is this powerful machine attracts every manner of corrupt grifter. As conservatives say, power corrupts.

That most obvious logic escapes conservatives as they are focused on their quest to destroy Obama.

Conservatives really helped Obama’s signature achievement by labeling it ‘Obamacare.’ It’s quite a chapter to be incorporated into US history!

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Because of the botched roll out insurance exchanges, America’s Health Insurance Plans reported there are “many duplicate enrollments” in the system. Apparently, it will take months to know for sure. In actuality, there could be fewer than 7 million enrollments.

Not to say that Obama lied about the 8 million enrollments. He was only reciting information he was given. Then again he was assured everything was ready to go on October 1st. And, it’s not like what he said on September 26, 2013 that “If you already have health care, you don’t have to do anything.” That, of course, was an out and out lie.

Should be fun to see how this turns out. I wouldn’t want to see Obama proven wrong again.

"You have done no internal analysis on what the trend line is for these premiums?"
This morning at a daily stand up my boss who's a Fox watcher talked about out open enrollment. He said our benefits have improved and that his own premium went down. I said "Obamacare, is not so bad afteralll is it? He laughed and moved on.

Oh foolmemore, post more, tell me more. You helped start my day with a laugh!!

Is that the new meme? Duplicate enrollees? !

Yes, it will be fun to see how things turn out, with that I agree.

What is your alternative to the ACA? Or as the GOPers so unwisely dubbed it Obamacare? They will rue the day they picked up that term ( wasn’t it from Hillary Clinton’s camp originally? Does anyone know?)
What about fixes? Anything? I will wait until you review the GOP plan. I know there is one after all of this time!

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