Discussion: This Turkish Businessman Is At The Heart Of Mike Flynn’s Foreign Entanglements

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S L E A Z Y Motherhubbard!

A Greazzy Motherhubbard!!

He 's a Lowdown motherhubbard,

I ain’t gonna tell you no lie.

(BTW, somebody has the impression that the full faith and credit of the United States is his to barter around at will, for a one time fee of $500,000 (less than the cost of many single family houses) The foreigner may be beyond our reach, I hope not! But in the simplest transaction, Flynn needs to go to jail for a long long long time!)


Flynn hates Muslims, except the ones who pay him…


Traitor and treason are two different things but tend to go together like conduct unbecoming and dishonorable discharge or guilty of collusion and long prison sentences.

Flynn isn’t just some yahoo either, he knew better, he consciously sold out for the money and is actively attempting to hide the fact and how it ties into the bigger Russian collusion that’s rampant in the White House.

This domino has to fall, along with many others before we get to the biggie, and that will be the tumble heard around the world.


OT but I still have a burn going over trumps bully boy and imperious attitude:

He shoves the PM of Montenegro out of his way as he tries to get to the front of the group and then watch how he adjusts his jacket and thrusts his chin out as if to say “I am “The Donald”, everyone must bow to me”. I don’t know who the lady in the clip is but it looks like she turned to admonish dear donnie for his move.
This is not going over well at all in the Balkans.


“I hired the Flynn Intel Group in 2016 before the election with a mandate to help me understand where the Turkish-American relationship is and where it’s going…”

Oh, brother. When you spend half a million bucks in the heat of a US Presidential campaign I guarantee you’re buying a LOT more than “understanding”. This guy’s a real Trump-loving nogoodnik!


I think I understand why the President-elect hired the General in spite of knowing about his foreign entanglements. The Trump syndicate want access to those business contacts, as badly as the businessmen want access to the government.

That’s how good things happen to Ivanka within hours of the President meeting with leaders of China, Saudi Arabia, etc.



Last time I checked Turkey had presented zero hard evidence tying Guillen to the coup attempt in Turkey. Yet we have a formal Nat Sec Advisor, and former Lt Gen trying to subvert US laws to illegally extradite Guillen.

If the US is not founded and led by those who believe in the rule of law, then we truly are in peril.

This administration and the people who elected it are a danger to themselves and this nation.


Oh, you foolish skeptic! Don’t you know that Flynn is the world’s leading expert on the dynamics of Turkish-American relations? I’m sure his insights are worth vast sums.


Ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn has kept out of sight as the federal investigation into his foreign ties ramps up. He’s eschewed public appearances and communicated almost exclusively through his team of lawyers since he was forced out of the Trump administration in February.

Thus making him approximately a million times smarter than his former boss.


Montenegro was wooed by the Russians to not join NATO, but they did anyway. This was just A) trump being the malignant narcissist bully that he is and B) A nice little show for his puppet master Vlad Putin to wank off to.


Best comment I read: “The guy wearing the lanyard sees and judges.”

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At the Trump Hotel in DC, no less! Nothing to see here. No sir.



That is entirely possible.

On occasion during many of my foreign adventures I claimed to be Canadian… to my chagrin. No disrespect to anyone in Canada, please…I’m just remembering the times in decades past when my government acted like a bully.


Where can we get a button?

My daughter teaches at a uni in germany, and I actually want to send her an anti-trump button to wear. Just looked on Amazon prime for (duh) “I hate trump button” and here’s what showed up:

(and not a word about trump – though the “I stand up for science” t-shirt works.)

Try it.

Golly Amazon. I need to find a new place to shop online. Ideas?

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Alptekin, who appears to be a significant power player in the capital

Tell it straight, TPM @allegra . Alpetkin spreads a lot of money around for political effect.

He has no pull with voters and no massive mailing list of people who base their vote on US-Turkey relations. He has money, which he uses to bypass voters and influence our elected representatives on behalf of a foreign power.


The New York Times caught Alptekin in a lie in their report last March 10, 2017.

NYTimes: Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

But the filings this week contradict past assertions by Mr. Alptekin, who told The New York Times in an interview after the November election that the contract with Mr. Flynn was worth “tens of thousands of dollars, not hundreds of thousands of dollars.” In the same interview, he said that Mr. Flynn “never consulted with me” about the op-ed article in The Hill and that he “would have advised against it.”

Mr. Alptekin repeated the latter assertion even after the filings this week. “For the record: nobody remotely linked to the Gov. of Turkey knew about Gen. Flynn’s article in advance and I wasn’t consulted either,” he wrote on Twitter.

Mr. Flynn opened the Flynn Intel Group in October 2014, two months after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. The business was opaque, making little public, not even an address. When a reporter went looking for it last fall, he tracked it down to an Alexandria, Va., office building operating out of the nondescript headquarters of another firm, called the White Canvas Group.

[quote=“leftflank, post:4, topic:56434”]
Flynn isn’t just some yahoo either, he knew better, he consciously sold out for the money and is actively attempting to hide the fact and how it ties into the bigger Russian collusion that’s rampant in the White House.
[/quote]As Guilty as Flynn. Agreed.



Are we watching someone deny paying a bribe while more or less renting out a hotel space that goes directly into the President’s pocket? Really?

They think we are so stupid … And for good reason.


From the link:

The paper reports: “Donald Trump had no idea of the economic weight of Belgium and even less of what the country represents for trade with the United States. Then he was introduced to the thing in a very visual way. But the president only gave vague attention to it.”

Goodness help us :worried: