Discussion: This Parody Perfectly Nails Every Jade Helm Conspiracy Theory Video

You kind of miss the point. Texas isn’t as full of nimrods as you think and this guy proves it. The craziness comes from that slim, but powerful, slice of the population that votes in every Republican Primary.

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Neen-jaahs in there! They gonna take ur guns!!

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I have watched this six times in ten minutes.

There are some dumb goobers in Texas who would probably believe every word of this.

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You’re ready to intern with Alex Jones.

2 min x 6 > 10 min.
You inspired me to watch it at 0.5x, 1.5x and 2x normal speed. 1.5x is my favorite, but they are all good.

I’ve been saying that, too. If it doesn’t happen, they win. If it doesn’t happen and there’s another exercise somewhere, they win. How do these utter losers keep winning? No wonder everybody’s on blood pressure meds – both sides

My favorite lines. Had to go get a tissue, cuz I was laughing so hard.


First they get wise to the Jade Helm 15 tunnels we built from Mexico into abandoned Texas Wal-Marts so we could smuggle in drugs, rapists, and ISIS members by stealth submarines, and then they figured out we planted all those shooters to kill 5-year olds in elementary schools, theater-goers, and made cops shoot blacks in the back, all so we Dems could get the political support we need to take all their guns and Bibles away, not to mention our very clever ploy to have Trump run as a Republican, and now this!

Damn, they are smart!

Shit! Shit! Shit! It was all going to plan…

File this one under “Why we can’t have nice things.”