Discussion: This 29-Year-Old Grad Student Wants To Bring Richard Spencer To Your Campus

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multiculturalism “just hasn’t worked.”

Yeah, the current race riots have been just horrendous haven’t they.

Oh wait, that was those white folks.


why in the world would you want to bring a white supremacist to your campus unless you believed that white supremacy was a legitimate issue for discussion?


The mother died giving birth to Joseph Michael Arpaio. Later a letter from the Lacedonia, Italy town council arrived saying “We have already experienced Mussolini. Don’t embarrass us more.” So he doubled down; he’s a fighter.


They never come right out and proclaim who they are and what they are for. They cloak their message with euphemisms and dog whistles. Up to now they have not gotten the attention they deserve.

However after Chancellorsville, that has changed. Which itself is a mixed bag. On the one hand it is now harder to hide behind dog whistles, on the other this means that they can now be more upfront about what they are about. Unfortunately there will always be a segment of the population who will be attracted to that message.


Hmmm, maybe this is What America Needs.
I can name some campuses where I’d like to see Spencer go, with his security detail co-ordinated by the “likes” of Stephen “Steve” Miller or Kobach.
Be a shame if…


"…and told TPM that, though he did not want a “100 percent homogenous white nation,” multiculturalism “just hasn’t worked.” Padgett

“We want to get a model that works,” Spencer said.
Again WTW?

Hey boys we only have one of these

A philosophical crisis is afoot. One man’s slippery slope has become another’s personal snowboarding run. Still, freedom of speech principles don’t require the total abandonment of common sense.

If the necessary selectivity who gets to use an expensive building, doesn’t leave enough discretion to exclude a terrorist sympathizer like Richard Spencer, then for goodness sake exclude the prick for basic public safety reasons.


"subscribes to identitarian philosophy,”

Perfectly respectable. Academic, even. Not really a racist piece of shit at all, right?


When speech causes real harm, it can be abridged. You do not get to use government platforms to spew rhetoric that can lead to other people losing their inalienable rights. “White supremacy, think about it.” is not a valid discussion topic in a civil society.


Yes, Spencer and his ilk are very interested in a thoughtful dialogue and exchange of ideas. I’m sure they’re not trying to incite violence so they can point to the “radical left” and promote the “many sides” bullshit.

Because free speech.


Ignore him. He’ll go away.

Instead of trying to keep these idiots from speaking, work to ameliorate the factors that lead people to listen. Racism is hard. But a hope for a more comfortable life will undermine the fascists more than anything.


Don’t button the top button if you’re not wearing a tie! Why can’t the master race dress themselves?


Regardless of what anyone thinks of Howard Dean, I think the guy has a lot going for him and has a better grasp of what we’re up against than our party leadership. Interesting that people like Padgett claim to be libertarian in light of what Howard Dean said about young voters. Dean said that even though Trump’s election negates every value and core belief of young voters, they’re not Democrats. They are independent and libertarian minded. If you want to read it, Google “Howard Dean on young voters: ‘These people are not Democrats”
Here’s a full list of speakers scheduled to appear at UC Berkeley during “Free Speech Week” from Sept. 24-27.

Sept. 24: “Feminism Awareness Day”

Miss Elaine
Lucian Wintrich
Lisa DePasquale
Chadwick Moore
Milo Yiannopoulos

Sept. 25: “Zuck 2020”

Heather Mac Donald
Monica Crowley
Professor Jordan Peterson
James Damore

Sept. 26: “Islamic Peace and Tolerance Day”

Michael Malice
Raheem Kassam
Katie Hopkins
Erik Prince
Pamela Geller
David Horowitz
Milo Yiannopoulos

Sept. 27: “Mario Savio is Dead”

Mike Cernovich
Charles Murray
Ariana Rowlands
Stelion Onufrei
Alex Marlow
Milo Yiannopoulos
Steve Bannon
Ann Coulter


Many supremacists at Charlottesville were young, these fucking ghouls are trying to recruit more young people. Meanwhile, what is going on in the Democratic party? This:


Padgett told TPM he would “support someone who went up and said all white people are evil and should give money to all the minorities and give their land over.”

James O’Keefe could only dream of this.


Apparently, the first amendment guarantees that white supremacists can speak any time they want at colleges and universities.

You learn something new every day!


Why do these guys always look like they’re out of their SS uniform and caps?

what are those reasons?


Collectively, I think the schools that have turned Spencer down realize that eventually one or more of them will lose. But the delay will buy them time to explore options for how best to handle Spencer’s presence on campus.


Of course, the ever-reliable ONION had a great spoof about just these sorts of white supremacists: