Discussion for article #231303
The terrorists win, again, and the pussification of America continues.
Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made.
Of course we’ll never know how terrible the movie is if theaters won’t screen it. At least with “Battlefield Earth” we could come our own conclusions.
Breaking: Michael Cera is behind it. Seth made out to be such a dick in “This is the End”.
oops. sorry bitly.
You will tremble in fear at our wrath. We will release e-mails and addresses. We might even take down a credit card company server for a few minutes! Fear us! Tremble at our 9/11 style attacks!
Haven’t any of these theater chains read a Nork press release before? They’re folding to the world’s worst bluffers.
More profiles in courage. How interesting that our cultural works of art can now be censored by the Great Dear Leader of North Korea.
What a bunch of wimps.
Methinks that the CEOs of Regal Entertainment, AMC Entertainment, Cinemark, Carmike Cinemas and Cineplex Entertainment have simultaneously filled their diapers. I don’t recall seeing this level of corporate cowardice and gutless wonderment before, and all to cow-tow to the truly feckless and impotent Dear Leader of the Democratic Starving People’s Republic of North Korea.
Now I really want to see this movie.
I’m committed to seeing this movie on Christmas Day. Whichever theater playing it in a 30 mile radius from my home gets my money.
What? I am sure it will be dumb but I do not get why they would pull support for the movie. It is not like they have not shown worse. Action movies have world leaders going down all of the time Team America world police is probably a million times more offensive to everything.
“Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made. The world will be full of fear,” their statement read.
Are they talking about The Interview or Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2???
They really did screw up by using a real world leader to assassinate. Forget about the threats, it’s just not proper to joke about killing specific people. I mean, imagine how you’d feel if the Republican Party put out a movie showing Obama’s assassination, and then claiming it’s just a joke and we should lighten up. And while we blow this off because we consider North Korea a joke and don’t normally care what they do, they don’t take us like a joke at all. Plus, they literally worship their leader, making jokes about his assassination even more offensive than if Republicans did it to Obama. It’s one thing to use North Koreans as the villains in movies, but it’s something else to joke about killing a specific person.
And what’s ridiculous is that if they had changed the name and country, it’d have worked better as satire anyway. Heck, they could have just badly dubbed over his name in post-production, making it part of the joke that they changed it because his ego was so delicate. Might have been the funniest thing in the movie. Missed opportunities…
That’s an excellent point.
Extreme cowardice has become courage in the minds on many Americans. Just look at the current polls on torture. When we talk about tough decisions and sacrifice in politics today, we’re talking about how much we are willing to make things tough for someone else and how much we are willing to force someone else to sacrifice.
Colbert noted the script to Mall Cop was leaked – fat man falls down (repeat)
As to this movie, isn’t it free online now?
So you’re ok with Republicans making films about killing Obama, just as long as you don’t see it?
While the threat came from the same people who hacked Sony’s computers, anyone in the world can say “if you release that movie, you will feel my wrath”. And with this cowardly precedent, they will.
Spineless, amoral, money-grubbing corporations.
When the NSA asked corporations to violate citizens’ right to privacy, they did so without batting an eye. Now they show no regard for free speech and artistic integrity. If corporations expect “government of the people” to protect their interests, then they need to do a better job of respecting the people’s interests.
I guess someone better edit that scene out of “Inglorious Basterds” where they kill Hitler.