That didn’t take long.
I don’t remember this kind of hand-wringing when Team America was released.
I’m OK with that. There was a film a few years ago called “The Assassination of George Bush”. I saw it. And you know what? It’s a freakin’ movie!
Bummer. Sony would be absolute fools to make this go directly to DVD. Its already a cult classic and nobody’s even seen it yet. It’s Hollywood gold!
Americans are like a bunch of adolescents. The more we’re told we can’t do something or have something, the more we want it.
A very interesting marketing ploy.
Uh…yeah. Killing Hitler is somehow the same as killing the living leader of a country we’re still technically at war with. Just ask Charlie Chaplain what it was like to parody Hitler when he was still alive. He didn’t even use Hitler’s name, let alone showing him being assassinated, yet it almost ruined his career.
This somehow reminds me of what happened after Chaplin released “The Great Dictator”. Nazi Germany went bonkers and pilloried Chaplin. But in Chaplin’s case, it never dissuaded him a bit.
Hadn’t heard of that one, but I looked it up. It was called Death of a President, which Hillary Clinton said “I think it’s despicable. I think it’s absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick.” Meanwhile, several theater chains refused to show it, while several networks refused to show ads for it. So it doesn’t sound like it was very well received. And all the same, it doesn’t sound like it’s about the main characters trying to assassinate Bush.
Well, dammit, where were these Guardians’ when ‘Saving Christmas’ was coming out? Have they no pity?
Nothing ruined Chaplin’s career—not even sound.
And that film is a classic of satire and slapstick.
I love Jack Oakie as Napaloni.
Where are the guardians for video games? Remember Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust or Elf Bowling 2?
Oh Well, I’m sure they’ll still be plenty of movies out this Xmas over how we beat down the Nazis. AGAIN.
Hey, we had “Argo”, where we somehow out-smarted the Iranians. This makes no sense. If anyone was going to go all ape-shit on our ass over a movie, at least according to most, it was sure to be Iran. And hey, that never happened. N. Korea is even less imposing. What are they gonna do, send over one of their nuclear bombs. Hell, it wouldn’t get farther than the Sea of Japan.
Did you even read the link? He was only in four films after The Great Dictator, even though he lived for another thirty-seven years. Plus, he was effectively exiled from America for supposedly being a commie, forcing him to move to Europe.
Sounds like his career got ruined to me. It’s only in hindsight that all this is forgotten, as we typically gloss over how much worse things used to be than they are now.
I see Josh is giving out the Golden Duke. Can we have an award for the funniest story on TPM? Cause I’ve been keeping track. I just have to whittle them down to the top five.
buh buh buh…
If all Dog fearing 'Muricans open carried at their local movie this work of art could be shown!
'Muricans did not back down to Mooslim threats when The Dictator was released! Open carry keeps us safe from terriers of all breeds and cullors!
US investigators: North Korea behind Sony attack, announcement tomorrow about how U.S. will handle hacking investigation #CNN #breaking
… aaaand the hoommme of the bravvve.
Good point.
Except that the HUAC and FBI sure tried.