Discussion: The Worst Campaign Attack Ads Of 2018 So Far

“Protesting us in a pink tutu”

WTF? That’s in no way abnormal.

Tutu much for me to stand.


On the last ad, director’s notes:

Subject needs to work on stiff body language in her walk towards camera. Hunched shoulders and arm movements merely present as awkward. Perhaps we should lose the walk towards camera in aerodrome, make it a medium standing, maybe use green screen in back if you want movement.
Use of opponent in pink tutu confusing. She looks cute.
"Denigrating our troops’ not strong enough, page back through R playbook of 2001-2003 seasons for better language.
Use of September 11th may be iffy as well - check w/Guiliani’s people.
Subject’s closing shot in uniform is clumsy. Let’s get her in dress uniform at least, talking and nodding with a clipboard in her hand as she instructs other pilots next to a fighter jet.


Yea!! My guy is number one!


It’s hard to believe anyone believes these ads - but I guess they do???


They think they’ve already won and that it’s now ok again for them to be openly racist. LITERALLY. In their minds, the Wayback Machine in at full-throttle, the 1950’s are in sight and we’re just about passing through the early 70’s.


I was talking about this yesterday - there are attack ads running in New Mexico against a Congressional candidate, Xochitl Torres Small. First they were running an ad about how Xochitl is part of a radical Democratic mob and she will further Nancy Pelosi’s schemes. Then they switched because she is running on health care. I swear to the gods and goddesses that this is what their attack ad on healthcare says: Xochitl can’t be trusted because she will take our precious Medicare away and replace it with a government program.

I deserve a medal for restraint that I haven’t kicked the TV in when one of those ads airs.



Dispatch from NJ-7 (Lance vs. Malinowski): The Congressional Leadership Fund has been hammering Malinowski for about a month, with the ad highlighted here running often on cable and popping up on Youtube, plus sponsored search results online.

I haven’t seen much of a media presence from Malinowski’s campaign. Their ground game will have to be strong.


And the Wayback Machine is particularly apt, considering that the version of “history” that Peabody and his boy Sherman always visited was horribly mangled and inaccurate.


Amazing—to us it’s a joke and to them it makes sense. That’s not the kind of diversity I like to celebrate. : (


As long as people respond to these kinds of ads they will continue.
I seldom watch broadcast TV so I haven’t seen much of any political ad, thank God.

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Fucking idiots.


They are pitching it at fucking idiots - their base.

This is classic Tea Party shit. I’m just surprised they think it will be effective in New Mexico, where not to be snarky at all, government assistance is pretty commonplace.


Hahahaha. Snicker.


It always boggles my mind how much Arizona and New Mexico seem to be similar in geography but aren’t in terms of diversity.


Sometimes I wonder how the people who take this narration work can sleep at night , and see themselves in the mirror.


O/T: Ms. Lindsey is getting backlash. Poor fella.


Yeah, even though they have a similar history, Az and New Mexico are very different. Now I don’t know a lot about Az except the Hopi reservation and Canyon de Chelly and the Navajo Nation and the white settlers - I know only a little.

New Mexico and southern Colorado were subject to Spanish land grants and were part of Spain which sent settlers here from Spain and Mexico and it stayed very isolated here way past the time that the US took it over.

When white settlers finally started flooding the San Luis Valley in Colorado, in the 1870s, they pushed the original Hispanic population back down here. So between two large Native American reservations - Apache and part of the Navajo, and the 19 Rio Grande Pueblos, and all the Spanish here it just didn’t become fully American for a very long time. Spanish was spoken more than English around here until probably mid-20th century.


Menendez is no jewel - it’s too bad we’re stuck with him - but calling anything the daily caller prints an allegation is ridiculous. The caller is a wingnut propaganda outfit with a track record of lies. Why give their claims the credence of being “allegations”? As with a person who lies continuously, the default position on claims from the caller should be one of disbelief.


Not sure if McSally is saluting, touching her forehead or throwing up some alien gang sign.

*edit- The GOP has responded to a more diverse set of challengers by pushing every sexist, racist and stereotypical hot button they can find.