Discussion: The Worst Campaign Attack Ads Of 2018 So Far

If politicians really cared about any of us, they would eagerly tag these political ads with warnings to the parents with young children.

I’m sorry, but the darkness conveyed by these candidates who claim to want to help us by not hassling us or scaring us or killing us is very, very disturbing to children, and I think this political propaganda crap needs to be radically curbed.

To hell with the Supreme Court.

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Can they make all the classic rockers young again?

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New Mexico is prettier.


Yes, it is.


I sure think so. And I’ve seen Sedona, Az, which is special.

But there’s nothing like New Mexico.


I’ve voted already… I’m way past tired of seeing these horrible ads. Let’s go, Florida… bring it home! Democrats 2018


No they don’t. They’re desperately reaching for the basest possible appeals because they’ve already lost on the issues, and getting old racist people scared and angry is the only thing they have left. Faso won in NY19 by 8 points in 2016, and he’s tied or down against Delgado now.

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as of 5:40 a.m. eastern time this site is AWESOME:


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There is a simple phrase that should be used in every response to these kinds of ad: “They think you’re stupid.” Because you have to have contempt for voters and be completely cynical about the process to believe this sort of Pavlovian association of Democrats with terrorism will get you elected. And it can work if you don’t focus attention on it and make their pandering the story.


Lovely work by the folks lamenting the loss of civility in our politics.

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Weird. All the worst ads seem to be coming from Republicans and their allies.


Or that in fact he was 13% raccoon.

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