Discussion: The Washington Post Ran Pro-Journalism Super Bowl Ad Costing Millions

Sad that it is neccessary to spend that kind of money to bolster the legitimacy of the free press…


An effective, albeit expensive, way to rub it in Twitler’s face.


I personally see nothing wrong with the press pressing its importance to democracy. Including Fox News? Well, at least Brett Baer is one of their reporters who does do news, at least his reporting and interviews are what passes for news to the millions of people who ONLY watch Fox News. Hannity and such don’t make that cut by a longshot. And it’s good to remind the Foxer Trumpers that there just might be other news sources here, and, of course, in other lands. If a few minds are opened but a crack, it’s worth it. Thanks, Mr. Bezos.


Other than inexplicably including Trump GOP propagandists from Fox “News”, these ads are excellent. Hopefully people will miss their inclusion, since Fox “News” and it’s endless spewing of lies and propaganda are part of the reason our country is in its current state.


Powerful editorial statement using the Oklahoma City bombing to illustrate “when our nation is at risk.”


Overal, I thought this was a good ad. A fitting tribute to those journalists who have been slain but also a reminder to us all that sunlight is the best disinfectant. Nice touch that it was Hanks, who starred in the movie about said publication. Classy.

ETA: yeah, I saw the Fux News guy and it stuck out like a sore thumb. But he was the ‘least dirty shirt’ in that hamper (as others have said upthread), and it was important to include SOMEONE from that network to have any hope of making the point with those people too.


This was a good move, and Bezos can certainly afford the cost. It makes me cringe to see Fox news included, but it was probably necessary to avoid the appearance of partisanship. Maybe Fox will even mention the ad (hah! not getting my hopes up there).


Last ditch effort of a dying industry?

Never expected to be reminded of Jamal Khashoggi during the Super Bowl. Kudos to WaPo.


“What would have changed minds is hiring 50 new reporters with that money.”

Hell, Bezos can afford 50 ads AND 50 more reporters.


Others balked at the inclusion of Fox News reporters in an ad trumpeting the importance of serious and credible journalism.

Count me in this group.


That murky connection between journalistic objectivity and refraining from self-promotion is one that I find that I sometimes make – but if there is a wall between the journalism and the business side of a paper there is no real basis for making that connection.

Now, Jeff Bridges – that’s a morally questionable choice in a Super Bowl ad.

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Sad, yes, but that is where we’re at these days…


Also, if you are Jeff Bezos, you can afford to do that.

I agree. They also included CNN’s Anderson Cooper. If they had only included clips of so-called “liberal media” personnel, they would be slammed for being biased.

At least it was FOX’s Brett Baier, and not one of the evening commentators or one of the hosts of “Fox and Friends.”


Yes, and Bezos has been commended for bucking recent industry trends and staffing up the WP.


No, I’m sure there will be other efforts and other ditches.

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The audience for the Super Bowl is huge and I imagine ideologically diverse. Excluding a FOX person would have stood out like a sore thumb and worked against the message.


and I’m not sure that knowing keeps us free - it takes a lot more than that