Discussion: The Trump-Cruz Louisiana Delegate Fight Could Be First Sign Of Turmoil To Come

Words fail.

When Mr. Cooper asked if Mr. Trump had ever apologized for anything, he replied: “Oh, wow. I don’t know. I’ll think. Can I think?”

He added, “I do believe in apologizing if you’re wrong.” And then conceded, “I apologize to my wife for not being presidential on occasion.”


It doesn’t matter what his supporters think. At least for this stage of the game. What is going on here is Trump’s campaigns lack of political experience. I talked quite a bit earlier on about his lack of a ground game (and I still hold to that; Trump is winning only because of a crowded field, he has yet to get over 50% of the votes in any contest)…here is another place where that shows up.

Cruz may not be an “establishment” candidate, but he is a lawyer, and he does know what the rules are. He will pick off as many delegates as he can in every state, before the convention. And he will be joined by actual establishment politicians who do NOT want to see Trump as the nominee.

Right now the goal is to simply prevent Trump from clearing that first vote hurdle. Once they do that, Trumps relative lack of experience…and perhaps more importantly but less often discussed…the lack of loyalty…will start to shine. Trump is a complete outsider, and the only loyalty he can garner is from promises that can only be kept if he wins. Cruz and establishment types can offer other goodies that go beyond just winning the White House. Psychologically as well, its an easier to sell to stick with what you have spent your whole life backing, than it is for a questionable promise of something completely different.


Hey HBO- You should offer this as a pay per view event and all the money goes to charity

This is the kind of things that the Founding Fathers had in mind when they drafted the 2nd Amendment.

“Democracy is two wolfs and a hare voting what to eat for dinner, Liberty is a well armed hare contesting the vote!”

If I was a republican I would show up at the convention with my guns to make sure that Mr. Trump is not robbed of his legitimate nomination.

I encourage all wingnuts to do just that, Ohio is an open carry state and nobody will be able to stop you. This is your chance to do something, next election may be too late they might let you out of the nursing home.

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Perhaps a duel at the convention would be appropriate. The Secret Service could make an exception of the no guns rule.

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Hell, yes! In right-wing, NRA utopia, we don’t need the police because everyone is armed and dangerous. Let FREEDUMB RING!!!

Kinda like W trying to remember any mistakes he’s made…


While the fracas might impact Trump’s delegate count with the party insiders at the convention, we can be sure that Trump will flog this issue in public, and will prove once again–as if any further proof were necessary–that there is, for Trump at least, no such thing as bad press, and he will find a way to turn any effort to “steal” delegates to his advantage with the outsiders–i.e. the voters.

Waiting for the Trump Party… Or shall we call it the National Capitalist American Workers Party?
Nazionalistische Kapitalist Amerikanischen Arbeiters Partei!

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That why Trump should cut the BS and tell his supporters to show up armed.

I want to see Trump get boo’d off the stage at the convention…not so much for how funny it would be itself, but for how off-the-wall crazy his reaction would be. Oh man…you think it’s bad and insane now, wait until he gets some real and palpable rejection directed at him.

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It’d be laughable, if it weren’t for the he-might-be-President part.



Would there be any actual law preventing him from paying delegates to vote for him? It’s only a party convention, not an election for a government post.

1300 delegates x a couple of thousand dollars apiece… less than three million dollars. That would be cheap compared to what others have spent to get delegates.

Trump has probably already got his crack team of investigators (those from Hawai, remember?) on the trail of each and everyone of the delegates, every bad debt, every violated girlfriend, compromising pictures, every addiction, testimony from your previous wife or husband, the local hooker/rentboy… yeah, those delegates will wish they never was elected before Trump is through with them…Ah, the madness, the madness…

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? No congratulations from Ted on the arrival of Donnie’s 8th grandkid?

Lyin’ Ted Cruz’s sexual exploits are going to be the main story next week. He might well have been a frequent client of the DC Madam Deborah Palfrey’s upscale hooker service. Key elements of the National Enquirer story have now been verified by other news outlets.

I haven’t seen the other reports, yet.

If this is true, someone in Drumpf’s campaign is a master strategist and has an excellent Karnival Kruz simulator on hand. I’ve believed that Trump had a hand in the National Enquirer story even if he didn’t plant it himself.

The story was planted with an iffy factual basis (and I’m being charitable when I call it iffy). Karnival denies the whole thing categorically, and now it appears the real proof may come out.

Absolutely a rat-fucking for the annals.

A very appropriate description of the reeking cesspool that is today’s GOP.

Oh I’m definitely going to watch it. Its the best show on TV. I hope this election last forever.

The country needs to learn a lesson and the cost of that lesson will be the death of the republican party. We can not live in a country where the winner of an election can be denied…that’s real Communist party China, Middle East dictator, Putin-styled strongman stuff. It simply can not be allowed. If the rules allow for that then the rules must be changed even if it means the death of the political party.

The person who wins the most votes/electors/delegates must be the winner. He must be given a run-off at worst.