Discussion: The Trump-Cruz Louisiana Delegate Fight Could Be First Sign Of Turmoil To Come


And I am sure that when the convention is over, the party will rally around its chosen nominee in a show of solidarity, and head into the campaign fully unified

tee hee!

Just think of what is going to happen when Cruz and Trump, gentlemen of the highest ethical standards, get behind closed doors and start a trench fight for individual delegates. It will be a cage fight


“You may see things bubble to the surface that will tell you something is going on."

Yes, that smell tells me a great deal about how the GOP nominates their candidates.


I think both Drumpf and Carnival, being men of the purest morals and unquestionable manliness, should do the right thing: Have the SS stand down, allow the 2nd Amendment to flourish, unfettered, at the convention in Cleveland and, what the hell, at all of their campaign stops. I feel confidant that such a policy would not only allow them to work out their differences in a suitable fashion but would make for more interesting and — yes, Les — more profitable newscasts.


The NYT reports that Trump has revoked his pledge to support whoever is the R nominee, because he has not been treated fairly.

Don’t stop, Trump. 3rd party all the way!


I am looking forward to July as almost never before. Watching the GOP in action will be more fun than Christians and lions, while rooting for both sides.

Back in 1968, I watched their debacle in Chicago every night, riveted by the horror. This time I expect to enjoy every second of it. I wonder who will play the part of Richard Daley mayor of Chicago) telling Abe Ribicoff (gov. of Connecticut) to f**k himself on live TV, after the latter had talked of “Gestapo tactics” in the streets of Chicago. Corey Lewandowski seems a natural for the Daley role. Romney as Ribicoff?


Trump has to be particularly vigilant about Wisconsin. It is Kochsucker country and Reince Priebus, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan could have a scheme to rig the primaries there.

Handbags at ten paces!


“Not fair” vs. establishment Republican assholery. Any bets?
That third party threat thingy is about all Mr. Trump has left. Cleveland should be a riot.


Mmmmmmmmm! This looks promising!


You think it would occur to Trump supporters that a candidate who cannot manage to make sure his primary wins translate into delegate majorities is not the person you want negotiating with Putin and Xi, but then again, to be a Trump supporter is to be stupid, per se.


Republicans “in their circles” at the convention: "Halt! … Ready! _ Aim! _…


Nothings more enjoyable than a RepubliKKKlan circular firing squad…that and its aftermath as the survivors cannibalize whatever remains.


This is where Drumpf is weakest. Primary elections for our national offices are a stew of rules, and campaigns need to know the rules for all the jurisdictions they run in. Drumpf believes he’s the smartest guy in every room he enters, and I’m sure he thought something like, “All I need to do is win these primaries and I’ve got it.”

National primary campaigns have winning primaries as a necessary stage, but that is not sufficient to guarantee the nomination. The campaign also has to win the fight to select delegates and the fight to win seats on the Rules Committee.

This knowledge is all out there, but our primary politics have been relatively tame since 1968. Drumpf was too busy getting laid in '68 to have paid attention. As Meredith Willson pointed out in The Music Man, “You gotta know the territory!”


So Cruz is “the Washington establishment”, the career politician, the beltway insider who is responsible for things getting so bad in this country.

Cruz is inept at everything, except lying and cheating to get our money.


Oh cruel, cruel politics. You’ve taken such a passionate love …


…and turned it to such a howling tittybaby contest.

Keep up the good work! …and pass the popcorn.


The Louisiana GOP can make this go away with a single tweet:

Hey @realDonaldTrump - We don’t need no Yankee Carpetbagger from New York telling us how our delegates should vote!

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I’m really sorry that the Secret Service won’t allow guns at the convention. That would’ve been some impressive prime-time TV.


For the first time in my life I may atually watch the Republican convention.


I’ll follow it in the news (probably through The Guardian), but I have more important things to do than watch a sh!t-slinging contest, like flossing the cat’s teeth.


So if Cruz is asking Alaska not to release his delegates, has he also asked Louisiana? Did they tell him to go back to the factory?