Discussion: 'The President Is Not A White Supremacist': Mulvaney Defends Christchurch Response

Too bad the Chad Mitchell trio isn’t still around to rework their “I was not a Nazi polka” to “I was not a white supremacist polka”.


‘The President Is Not A White Supremacist’

There, FIFY.

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Weird. Because white nationalists think he’s one of them. Even the terrorist who carried out the Christchurch attack said in his manifesto that Trump was a white nationalist symbol.


When I was a little girl I just loved them. I haven’t heard if they are alive still.

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Or the MOE! (Margin of error) of the Democrats


Of course he’s not a White Supremacist, that’s obvious to everyone. He’s an Orange Supremacist.


This was yet another rightwing nut who took literally the White Genocide stuff Fox News has been promoting for decades and they act like they have no clue how this keeps happening. Wallace is a paid shill grilling another paid shill about why his boss is doing the same thing Wallace’s bosses do. When is he going to call out his own network? I’ll bet on never.

The only reason the mid-terms weren’t a bigger landslide is because Fox News convinced their viewers that a caravan of scary brown people were on the verge of raping and pillaging America unless they rose up to vote against Democrats; yet now he’s concerned that Trump isn’t denouncing bigotry like he’s got some moral high ground to be standing on. I don’t see how these people sleep at night.


I ask myself, “Is he?”.


Don’t forget that language Trump uses, the people he quotes and retweets, and the lack of empathy or understanding from WH advisers to heads of agencies and departments. And not to forget the people he nominates for judicial appointments.

“You’ve seen the President stand up for religious liberty, Mulvaney

Yeah a certain religious bent, or leaning is what deserves religious liberty protections in this administration.


I have relatives in Anniston, Alabama. They told me that the Muslim doctors and nurses in the area created and staff a free medical clinic there.

Oh, and they provide a lot of free medicine. Oh, and free food. Oh, and in the fall, free school supplies. And all this in a very very “conservative” part of the country.

They are not the only clinic like this in the state, either.


No. I guess Donald isn’t a supremacist.


Like vaccines?

See, Muslim plot to kill Christians, right here in America!

Fox News, where’s the coverage?


I think I’m the only human who LOVES getting vaccinated. I feel like I’m showing a wanted poster to the sheriffs and deputies of my immune system and saying, “These guys. Find them. Kill them. Go!” I’m basically six years old.


I hate needles… But growing up with a mother who was a nurse, she turned us into pin cushions. Between that and going into the Service, where they do more of the same, I think I’m immune to just about everything that you could possibly get immunity for.


hahahahahaha well yeah except 6 year olds usually don’t want the shot. hahahahahaha

But good on you for the attitude. I love it.


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits."


I’m not taking much comfort from polls like that. I think many of those “Independents” are actually solid Republicans who will vote for Trump, but don’t want to call themselves Republicans due to increasing social pressure (unless you’re in Alabama, I guess). I just hope it isn’t a significant enough group to swing the election, this time around.

I also don’t trust polls because the methods are increasingly outmoded by technology and social change. They probably under-count young people who can’t be reached by the usual means (land line phone? what’s a land line?). Although in this case, the actual chances are probably tilted more in the Democratic nominee’s favor, if the kids will just get out and vote!

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I don’t. hahahahaha I think they are what they say they are - non party voters.

I’m kinda with you there. An awful lot of people voted for Trump, and I’ve met maybe 3 people who admit it.


Mulvaney started early on the Guinness. His blarney started too Typical Irishman on St francis day, I’m typical.

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