Discussion: The Party Of Steve King

Discussion for article #228125

You have to give the Repuk’s credit they have a talent for finding these Aholes which they then care and feed them

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First, Sahil Kapur is a very good journalist. This line of approach, however, might be either a) such subtle satire that most of the readership here isn’t feeling it, or b) a “Road less Traveled” framing that just doesn’t seem to work in this case. Either way, I look forward to:

“The Subtle Persuasion Techniques of Ted Cruz”
“George W. Bush: Closet Genius”
“Kevin McCarthy: Winning over the Witch-hunters and the Triumph over Remote Child Abuse in a Post-1692 Environment”
“Michele Bachman: Congress’s Quiet Intellectual Giant’”
“John Boehner: One Day at a Time and the Path to Perpetual Sobriety”

  1. Know your enemy.
  2. Don’t underestimate your enemy.
  3. Don’t think your enemy won’t be successful because he’s a lunatic.

That last theme really more applicable to Pete King…


King is a political leader of hatred. Just like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Sara Palin, John McCain, Scott Walker, and the rest of the Republicans. Their politics is about hatred, guns, and wars. If that is the America that you want…then keep voting for them and watch America continue its slide into totalitarianism. Hatred on anything that helps our fellow citizens and humans that doesn’t involve military spending. That in a nut shell is the Republican platform.


I did not know this tool is a college drop out. Figures.


I couldn’t agree more. The fact that someone comes off as a buffoon has nothing to do with his or her ability to get and keep power. Many people don’t like change, they like to have things explained simply, and they are not very knowledgeable or sophisticated. One-quarter of Americans believe the sun orbits the earth. You may think Steve King is ridiculous but he’s an influential member of Congress and you have to acknowledge that to counter him effectively.


It must grind that the “obvious” truth of amnesty for illegal criminals IS NOT succeeding. Most of you who support the illegals must be finding it amazing that this is not working. In fact, it is NOT working. The American people are more and more realizing that the LAW is important. Democrats are becoming the party of the illegal, and the party of the criminal. This is long-term not a successful position.

Especially number 3.

I recently saw the last Bill Maher show…one of the guests related some of her travels interviewing the (potential) voting public. The scariest part for me was her interactions with truly distracted and misinformed individuals.

This dovetails quite nicely with a comment made to Bill years ago by Alan Simpson, in which he stated that, although TeaBaggers may be worthy of Bill’s scorn, they do regularly turn out to vote.

Steve King is simply responding to people who vote. Nothing more.

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His signature issue was making English the official language. Wow, that says a bunch about his voting constituency. With everything going on , making English the official language was the top thing. Why didn’t you just say 911 over and over.

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“King’s overarching goal is not to seek higher office.”
Hilariously naive. He was actively exploring a senate run but realized he didn’t stand a chance even statewide in Iowa.


Because Rudy has that trademarked.


College dropout? How did he get in to start with? Sad to think people actually vote for hateful, dumb people like this!

Well, exactly the bio I don’t want to read.
I’d print the story but I don’t have any fish to wrap.

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Despicable human being without compassion or warmth and willing to lie his teeth out to hurt other people. Despicable.

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StevE KIng IS A pURveYOR OF the PoliticS OF trUTH. he is riGHT on evERY isSUE. glOBAL WarminG is A libTARD aTTEMpt TO ruiN aMERICA’S eConomY. dREamER leGISlaTION IS an AttemPT TO floOD aMERicA WITH moUNTAIns OF pOT AND mExICANS wiTH CANtolOUpe-siZED cALveS. real MEn CARry GuNS anD anYONE whO DOESn"t SpeAK aMERIcAN ShouLD GET the hell OUT of AmeRICA!!1!1!!!ONE!1!!1111!1


To hell with King, I’d be more interested in the views of the attractive lady on the right of the picture, holding the recorder.

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“I know he does not have a racist bone in his body”

I agree. The brain is not at all a bone.

This is why we need mental health reform. Sociopaths should be getting treatment, not camera time.

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