There really are lots of what we call “low-information” voters. You have to acknowledge it and deal with it if you want to be effective. And simply expecting them to suddenly wise up and see things your way doesn’t seem to be the shortest path to effectiveness. Sneering and dismissing them doesn’t work at all. Having a more positive, more attractive vision than Steve King might, though. It would certainly be prohibitively difficult to be more negative.
What unmitigated horseshit.
He’s the Republican Id in full display.
Kings signature issue is immigration. My guess he is well funded by by all the Republican meat processors in his district who without doubt are eager to employ illegal immigrants. You see like King they love the status quo. No need to worry about an illegal bitching about bad working conditions or demanding minimum wage. No need to pay an illegal any benefits at all, and those illegals work hard, very hard.
Scratch a hard core conservative and you will always find his fervor for ideological purity is little more than a mask for his personal hypocrisy.
He’s a conundrum to democrats, who are mostly totally unfamiliar with, and generally contemptuous of, Steve King voters. I live near his district. I had lunch in a restaurant in his district yesterday. NW IA is not going to elect a Democrat period. Full Stop. What specific policy or ideology do Democrats bring which would create any interest in Sioux City, or Sioux Center, or any of the small, farming-based towns in his district? None. And, yes, in Sioux City (where I had lunch), there is an illegals problem, and it annoys people. Why should they vote democratic - it’s the party of illegals, now, and has nothing of any interest to a rural person.
There again we see the hatred and contempt for Steve King voters. Most of them are suspicious of college learning. It’s mostly useless. Steve King voters DO appreciate the Ag Extension folks and their knowledge, which is practical and helpful. But most college? Useless, to many.
Me, I have a Ph.D., but I am very aware of the limits of academic learning.
Steve King made his money and a successful business doing something that a college degree is only of minor importance - contracting. Contracting is physical labor, and involves some knowledge - you need to make plausible low bids. But the need for someone with critical analysis of Don Quixote is pretty minimal in contracting.
Let’s talk about King’s backbone and love of his country!
King’s a authentic, golden yellow Chicken-Hawk, with a backbone made up of feces-colored jello!
King spent 3 years in college earning deferments from being drafted and maybe being sent to Vietnam. When his draft number came up low enough to avoid being drafted, he quit college for good, the very next day never graduating!
These facts alone tell you what a man King isn’t!
Tell all that to Ronald Reagan, the AMNESTY President and the Republican Golden God.
This is a dumb argument. A lot of liberals evaded the draft. A lot of conservatives evaded the draft. I know not a single person of Steve King’s age (I am 3 yrs younger than is Mr. King) who wanted to be drafted. It is a dumb argument, and will do nothing to get him voted out.
The average American is pretty stupid. And if the average is pretty stupid, that means that almost half of Americans are stupider than that (we call these people “Republicans”). But, and this is a big “but”, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers. After all, they managed to elect one of their own President in 2000 (or at least make the election close enough to steal) and to reelect him in 2004 despite the glaring evidence of his stupidity…
Brevity is the soul of wit, but there are limits.
In Nov, we will see. The hispanic vote is not going to materialize. It’s a huge illusion. The illegals pimps want credulous chumps to believe in the power of illegals to vote or some such dreck. But it doesn’t work in the ballot box. And every election, democrats lose more non-minority voters. White working class voters see NOTHING of any value to them in the Democratic Party today. The party of illegals and of systematic law breaking is not attracting them.
Your reference to my mild remarks (distracted and misinformed potential voters) as “sneering” and “condescending” is surprising.
I grew up in a Germany destitute after WWII (in which adults regularly sold flowers picked off the sides of roads to Americans). I have lived in Latin America. People rise to the level of situations and expectations. I have seen individuals in the same age-cohorts as dis-interested Americans regularly go through types of hell in Latin America, Africa and Asia which would knock down and collapse your typical 18-year-old. They have diligence, attention to the task and desperation. And limited success.
My post was actually written to support you. But the aspect of what I was actually trying to convey was the vast difference (some age-related and some, quite frankly, related to hatred of blacks and Latinos) in motivation to vote: the distracted and misinformed versus the haters and bigots (hence my reference to Simpson).
He used the deferments to avoid serving and when he didn’t need any more deferments he quit college, the man’s a coward!
There’s something about morons like Steve King which allows them to never take a day off from their mendacity and destruction. I guess if one’s brain, heart, and soul go so unused, one has a lot more energy.
More horseshit—which you’re full of.
King will probably win—because he’s running in a very conservative district, not because he’s right about anything.
And your use of the term “illegals pimps” shows that you are not interested in facts—and that all you have are insults, bigotry, and your deeply superficial “thinking.”
Now stop interrupting the adults.
So are most men of my generation. Say, did you enlist in the army? Are you in the National Guard?
I never did. This is a dumb argument. Honestly. After Kerry, service is a non-issue.
His argument, that illegals are not acceptable in a society of laws, is winning. Your argument, that we can give illegals amnesty, a cushy situation, and a free pony, is losing.
No one is supporting criminals of any kind. See, phony conservatives can’t be tolerated because you NEVER understand the argument, lie like crazy even when you do, and cannot be trusted to even stay on topic. What’s the point of having a discussion with you?
“He’s just a regular person who’s speakin’ plain Midwestern English like we all are out here. We don’t have time to tap dance around this crap and make as many people like us as possible.” - Farm wife Kathy Witzke, a graduate of the "Sarah Palin Academy of the Dropped “G”, expressing small town "Ummerican Values™.
(Sweet buttery kittens…)
OK, I’ll bite. Do you support illegals or amnesty? If so, you are not even aware of your own mendacity. Illegals are criminals.
And I’m not a conservative. I’m a Democrat since 1968, never voted Republican in a single election. I’m an anti-illegals progressive. The democrats are totally wrong on this illegals issue. The Democratic Party is destroying its moral base by promoting illegals over legal immigration.
And they are are illegals. I don’t buy this PC garbage.