Discussion: The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism


TRUMP NEVER takes responsibility for anything. If he is POTUS, you will never know the real TRUTH only the TRUMP LIES. We will always be the best , he will always be the best and if anything is out of line it’s some other group of peoples fault. A true GOP strategy


It originated in the usual place; the diseased minds of those who control the GOP propaganda machine. It is then distributed via Fox “News,” breitbart, drudge and all the usual suspects. Who cares where it came from, so long as it is made clear that it is untrue?


Yes, lies and distortions . i.e.: NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND, CLEAN AIR ACT, RIGHT TO WORK STATES, Americans for Prosperity, etc etc etc.


Trump is following the BIG LIE technique all the way down the line. And the press enables him. He gets the NYT’s front page to talk about his truly “half-baked” maternity leave plan and is permitted by the editors to claim that Hillary has no plan. What the reporter writes is that “Trump stretched the truth” rather than calling it the outright lie that it is. HRC released her plan a year ago and none of her plans, save one ever got front page treatment…


“The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!!!”

Isn’t it about time he got to work on that?


I think it’s a good thing that the race, at least, the polls have gotten close. It robs the press of the meme that Trump is closing in. You know this enthusiasm gap nonsense that the MSM will play up. It lets voters contemplate that their country may be represented by this clown. He is insufferable as a contender and he will be worse if he is leading. It’s Sept. and there have yet to be any debates. The Clinton campaign has a free hand to say anything and challenge the press to report it.


So there were crazy racist nutters in the US even back in 2007? Who knew?


Donald Trump thinks there is “one born every minute” but that was before “the google” as GWB used to idiotically say. Even morons can google what you said for 5 five years Donald!


which peaked when the sitting president of the United States was compelled to release his long-form birth certificate in 2011,…

When slamming other news media for buying a right-wing lie, it’s best you don’t repeat one yourself. Obama bided his time releasing his BC, in order for the birthers to dig themselves a huge hole. He could have continued leaving them dangling in their stupidity, but he decided that once birtherism reached that fever pitch he’d lance their pustular carbuncle so the public could see what oozed out of that sick movement. Neither Donald Trump nor any of his fellow birther idiots “compelled” Obama to do anything, much as they would like to think they did.


Not according to the article. It was partisan democrats.

Edit: According to this, the Martin guy is a nut case who has attempted to run for office as both a repub and as a dem.


The origin of the lie that Hillary started the birther movement is that racists to include Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters are two dishonest and cowardly to admit their own racism. And before someone attacks me for calling Trump and his basket of deplorables lying racist cowards to scared and dishonest to admit their own racism, Trump and his basket of deplorables are lying racist cowards to scared and dishonest to admit their own racism and it is not my fault for pointing it out.

One final comment, if those racist lying cowards (birthers for short) really believed Hillary started the birther movement they would all be voting for her.


Katherine, I like your writing in general, but this is an inaccurate characterization that should be corrected and rewritten.

President Obama was never compelled to release his long-form birth certificate. He did it out of his own desire and volition, to put the matter to rest - and, one suspects, so he could use it to mock Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner, since the April 27 2011 release preceded the WHCD by just a few days.


I should have known it was Mark Penn’s fault.

No, he wasn’t claiming that Obama was born outside the US, but "his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.” is despicable and sleazy if not edging right up to Birtherism and stopping just before it gets there.

And no, I don’t really think Birtherism is Mark Penn’s fault but I’m not surprised that his creepy comments are being used by people trying to claim that it is.


Donald Trump lies like a roadkill orange ferret hairpiece.


A Trump masterstroke. If you don’t, think it was, then look at was is being discussed. Did “birthersim” start with the Clinton Campaign?

Has anyone seen Donald Trump’s birth certificate? Bueller?

Did you bother to read the article Mr Marine?? Sure looks to me like you didn’t take the time. No, birtherism got it’s start in Illinois politics in 2004. Read the article. Better yet go to your google machine and type the words “Birtherism origin” then look for a listing of an article posted at Politico.com in 2011. It will give you the history and context where this racist story began.
Better yet I’ll help ya. Hold on a sec
Here ya go Mr Marine. Read please. Educate yourself before you vote:
Btw: I respect those that served.


What is available seems to be a copy of a copy. Were I a birther I would question the baby’s legitimacy since his mum isn’t listed as “Trump” but rather by her maiden family name. And this does not seem to be the famous “long form” that the birthers prattled on about with Obama.


Looks like the idea floated somehow among a few people who support Clinton but “Hillary Clinton” or someone of note in her campaign didn’t support it. It died down there since sane people saw nothing was there. Then, a few years later, Trump – who has the cachet and means to actually promote it big time – lapped it up & ran with it.