Discussion: The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism

Also, who’ll hold him accountable for the threats and invocations to violence he makes today


This PUMA/Obama type of scenario… of primary campaigners starting memes against their ultimately successful primary opponents that eventually become serious problems for the party’s candidate … is now happening with Hillary, and just might possibly lead to her defeat. How many of the primary attacks against Hillary have been latched onto by the Trump campaign? I suspect quite a few, though I haven’t actually counted. This is why Bernie totally lost me and had me cringing and angry, when he began attacking Hillary (as he’d promised he would not!) on grounds other than issues, especially calling into question her personal integrity and policy aims, calling up the hackneyed old charges against her. Every one of those attacks has added concrete to those overshoes Hillary is wearing in her campaign against the worst demagogue to run in my lifetime. Those attacks have lived on to help erode the entire Democratic campaign. I just hope desperately that this, and Dem voter complacency, don’t allow Trump the win, though it certainly makes the should-be landslide and Congressional coat-tails extremely unlikely.


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I only wish either @thunderclapnewman or @mattinpa were commenting on this thread because they could tell you better than I what a deplorable creature you are.

@kilgoretrout It’s becoming more and more apparent that Clinton knew just what she was doing with a deplorable basket. It’s been picked up and used against T very successfully. It’s also a good Friday when we get a lovely picture of Hill on the front page instead of pic of HO screaming. We’ve had too many of them for weeks.


Oh, @justamarine’s not even worth deploring. He would call himself justamaroon if he were honest. He used to talk about guns mostly, and was suitably modest about most other things. Then he started reading some website or other and decided he was now extremely knowledgeable about politics. Remember, Justy? You started making pronouncements about how the election was going to go, like two years or 18 months out. “The nominee will be either X, Y, or Z,” you would say. Needless to say none of them were Trump; you always thought it was some relative centrist like Kasich who’d win and we libs would be sad. Don’t open your stupid mouth to argue with me or we’ll go back and roll the tape, you pompous halfwit yutz.


The only way Trumps lies get traction is through the media. The media on all fronts have been absent behind the wheel. We are on the road to FASCISM.


Folks you are not gonna believe what I just saw on CNN:

Miami (CNN)Donald Trump on Friday wondered aloud what would happen to Hillary Clinton should her Secret Service detail disarm . “I think her bodyguards should drop all weapons. Disarm immediately,” Trump said. "Take their guns away, let’s see what happens to her."

Jesus goddam frigging Christ…what won’t this guy say next.



WTF is he doing?!!



I wish I were kidding about this. Go look for your self and then tell me I am wrong. Please tell me I am wrong. I am not enjoying this.


Yes, just saw it.

Josh has a post up.

ETA: Trump will be a hot mess by debate time. I can feel in the air that the MSM is salivating.


This needs to be broadcast everywhere.
So it’s ok for trump to have protection but not Hillary?? Trump has bragged that he has a cc permit and goes around armed and he has secret service protection and his body guards are armed. So as i said it’s OK for him but not her? I see this as a clear bald faced threat and I listened to how he said it. It was not a joke or sarcasm.


Andy Martin is a pretty desperate clown. I am surprised anyone allows him to be a source of anything. His REAL NAME is Anthony R. Martin Trigona, in the Spanish practice of using the paternal last name followed by the maternal last name. He is a Cuban exile or the child of Cuban exiles. He tried to but never passed the Illinois Bar Exam, which began his Anti Semitic obsessions. He later owned a record store which declared bankruptcy and during this experience his Anti Semitic tendencies were further inflamed. He then moved to Connecticut where he had filed over 60 pro se lawsuits in the District Court. When the Hon. Jose Cabranes became the Chief Judge he inherited the task of dealing with the morass of Martin Trigona’s abusive frivolous harassing lawsuits. He wrote a long opinion disposing of many of the cases by dismissal and scheduling the remainder for orderly disposition. Martin Trigona found out that Judge Cabranes’ first wife was Jewish and attempted to intervene as a party in the Judge’s divorce and child custody State Court proceeding. This was in a late 80s magazine article called The Man Who Sued Too Much, I believe for a NY or Long Island Sunday newspaper magazine. I did not find it on the first page of Google search for the article. I did find more than one US Court of Appeals (Second Circuit) decisions regarding Martin Trigona’s abusive frivolous litigation. He is a vile lying charlatan and a virulent Anti Semite.


Will someone, please, take away Wolf Blitzer’s press card and send him to journalism school.


Really? Where did I say it started with the Clinton Campaign? I said it was a masterstroke because Trump has people actually talking about whether or not is started with the Clinton Campaign. Try to keep up!

Apparently like the other nitwit you can’t follow a discussion. I never said it started with the Clinton Campaign but that Trump has people talking about it. He played the media for the idiots they are.

Nitwits and idiots. Too much erudition in one post for me.


Pay no attention to Justine. Remember what they say, marines are so butch they hold their own ankles in the air.


Interesting. All the networks tonight (Faux doesn’t count) are calling HO what he is: a liar.


Anything to not talk about policy eh? How would trump go about deporting 11 million people? How would he manage to create 25 million jobs in 10 years when to do so demands we let large numbers of people into the country to fill this soon to be jobs. Yet he is very much against that level of even legal immigration, especially if it involves Syrians, Muslims or Hispanics. So now we blabber about birtherism and conspiracy theory and of that doesn’t float your boat how about fantasizing about disarming Hillary’s secret service detail and seeing what happens. Don’t believe me? Go to the main page and see Josh’s most recent blog post. The video of trump and his fantasy is there But keep this law in mind:

18 U.S.C. § 879 : US Code - Section 879: Threats
against former Presidents and certain other persons

That certain other persons includes Presidential candidates. now lastly imagine the righ wing echo chamber blaow back and full on melt down had Hillary spoken of trump’s protection detail disarming.


Just gonna throw something here…

Remember that revolting and deplorable Orly Taitz?

Sorry. Had to remind you of her.

P.S.: By the way, she was born in Moldovia, yet the media gave her front page importance… but, yeah, Black POTUS, huh?