Discussion for article #245052
Love the GW face palm!!
That FDR guy lemme tellya. Four friggin terms he wouldn’t give up the remote.
The Greats appalled by the Hate. Kennedy with the antacid, haha.
This would have been more a cutting commentary if the viewers of Trump were all GOP sacred cows.
Nicely done.
Trump will take this as the highest of compliments, that dead presidents, including most of whom who are on currency and coins, think so highly of him that they’ve come back from their graves to watch The Donald Show.
Brilliant. Like is often said…A picture can paint a thousand words.
Says it all for me.
George Bush couldn’t make the cover, preferring to view the disaster from the safety of 15,000 feet.
Seismic activity has definitely increased in the US —
Lots of “rolling over” going on —
Add in what Truman said about Nixon. Applies to Drumpf as well
“Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he’d lie just to keep his hand in. ”
Looks like FDR is getting ready to change the channel.
Can’t anyone ever finish a portrait of George?
Yeah, but New Yorker historical covers are as accurate as their map covers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/View_of_the_World_from_9th_Avenue
The great Barry Blitt also did the “infamous” Obamas “terrorist fist bump” New Yorker cover.
Or if they knew what the New Yorker is.
How cleverly selective of Presidents they NYer chose. If you think about it.
Even Dick Nixon would have issues with Trump
JFK was a crappy president. Why is he so beloved?
Erm…best to read the rest of the story at MJ: http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2016/01/new-yorker-cover-perfectly-explains-problem-trump