Discussion: The 'Never Trump' Movement Admits Its Job Just Got A Lot Harder

That they can count.

That region is called “Illinois.”

That’s why the Indiana voters chose Sanders? Because they knew that HRC had the nom sewn up?

Indiana is not the boss of us.

Joel, I know that you are a smart guy, but you seem to be willfully missing my point. I have never seen an election where the nomination is essentially sewn up, and yet people are refusing to this degree to coalesce around him or her. We’ll see if this trend continues, but if it does, it spells trouble. Especially if Trump manages learns to act “normal” for a while.

If you are right, what would you do about it? Don’t expect people to coalesce around Bernie if they won’t around Hillary. Got an alternative? I hope fear of Trump will act as a stimulant and adhesive.

Hell if I know. Moreover, I don’t think the HRC campaign has a clue, either.