11th paragraph says that Manafort pleaded guilty to all charges. Is that a typo?
The Mystery Of The Fake Invoices That Keep Popping Up In The Manafort Trial
I can clear it up for y’all. It is prima facie evidence of money laundering. Let’s hope that Trump’s name/companies appear here in a prominent way. That would be fun!
Did Manafort pay for his apartment in Trump Tower in Rubles?
We once had a person in HR who used a fancy computer program – Word – to create fake invoices. She was fired for embezzlement.
Boy, that money has been laundered so many times it must be germ-free.
Manafort can’t win. He, like trump, thinks money will defend him…makes him better than the opposition.
trump thinks he’s smarter, richer and a better deal maker than Mueller but this time the opposition isn’t a person but rather…a law. No matter what trump does, what tweet he sends or blather he bellows during a sit down with Mueller it won’t change what is written in a law.
So Gates was stealing from Manafort, and not content with that, he rats on him in court?
That’s who his mother had in mind when she talk about bad company.
From fake news to fake invoices.
Talk about burying the lede!
That’s Manafort’s defense… that Gates stole all the money… yet manafort could buy alla that expensive finery, real estate, rugs and such. Makes on scratch the head a bit.
Following paragraph: “However, there also signs” should be copyedited to “However, there are also signs.”
Well, trump did say we should not believe anything we read, see or hear.
The Mystery Of The Fake Invoices Wasn’t that a Nancy Drew book or maybe The Hardy Boys?
The fake invoice is a standard Russian thing.
I don’t buy Cilizza’s theory. I doubt Trump ever intended to submit to an interview with Mueller.
The real companies weren’t paid, but if that money got paid to someone else the prosecution would have a pretty airtight case.
Well, it’s tax fraud. Manafort received millions of dollars worth of goods and services which is passive income that is taxable. Faking invoices proves the fraud as opposed to simple oversight.
Yes, he does think he is a better male than Muller. Bigly hands, and all that.
Trump’s real problem is that he has been using this I scream queen approach to domineering for so long, he has a hard time realizing that Muller doesn’t hang on Trump’s every tweet, except perhaps to store them in a file marked “Treason”. Trump as a person is barely on Muller’s horizon except as a mafiosi bacteria he is about to disinfect from the body politic. Muller is a professional, something Donnie can not understand at all.
Obviously, Gates bought all those items and forged Manafort’s name to the invoice.
My understanding is the vendors never heard of Gates. They dealt with Manfort.