Discussion: The Most Revealing Quotes From Steve Bannon's Hollywood Reporter Profile

I’ve noticed that that is one of the hallmarks of fascism - Hubris of a size nobody would think possible.


I am not politically savvy, so his endgame is a mystery to me. Is this his true agenda? What does he think he’ll accomplish? I ask sincerely.

If Bannon wants to be the modern-day Thomas Cromwell, let’s all hope he meets the same end. And soon.

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Does the mob also control the scaffolding supply? I’ve been to Italy 7 or 8 times, and I witnessed the scaffolding make a complete rotation around the Pantheon interior.

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I’m pretty sure it’s just about everything, so yes.

[ps - isn’t the Pantheon crazy? As if it was built 10 years ago. I love it so much…]


Not saying he’ll do it. Just saying that they really do have endless faith in killing people as a solution to political problems.

The endgame? Six weeks ago, I thought it was this:

I just didn’t think they’d actually succeed.


Jackson went to war against the nascent banking and financial interests of the day and won. I approved that but most won’t, especially now. Jackson’s war on the Second Bank of the US and Biddle et. al. was not a purely principled thing but then there is no such thing a pure principal in politics. It should be noted that the demise of the bank preceded the first period of general deflation in US history. This is understandable if you know that credit expansion is inflation and credit contraction is deflation. In America everyone loves the inflation of asset prices and in fact that inflation of assets, always called ‘increasing value’ or other euphemisms. In fact asset inflation is the American dream.

Today understanding of money and finance is just as absent as it was in 1830. Do you hate the shape of the political economy. Well thank the monetary/banking system. Do you hate that wealth and power are concentrated at the tippy top, well thank the monetary/banking system.

Well a little history will do some good but I am sure all will continue to want endless credit and money expansion, even though that means the destruction of the environment.


Oh, and Trump is not going to be another Jackson. Just the opposite. After 40 years of ever expanding money and credit which dwarfs all in history we are on the cusp of a quadrupling of money. That the new Jacksonian’s will be part of it is orders of magnitude beyond ironic. Not to mention that the engine of this, QE, is Keynesianism turbocharged with nitros and the driver on acid.

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Thank you! Now, I’m seeing a picture beginning to emerge.

So it’s not so much an overt effort to deny non-white/Christian/Murkins their civil rights through legislation or executive decision, which was all I could imagine. Rather it’s more a covert scheme to rule through dominance and fear with corruption hidden beneath our longstanding traditions of governance. Putinism indeed. If that is the case, then I am now officially scared shitless.

I can only hope that Trump will allow his baser desires and instincts to take over, and he’ll become such a scandal-ridden ball of controversies that he’ll make the argument for impeachment by himself. Bannon only lasts as long as Trump lasts.


Bogey man to the left? Sorry, but that was Lee Atwater. I thought Bannon was a an evil leper-con, and Alt-right is a keystroke combination which types an umlaut on a Mac.

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There were countless Lassies…


Umm. That would be 1830.

Yeah, except interest rates are going up. They’re still low, but the Fed is signaling a rate increase in a December and the bond market has pretty much said the days of no yield Treasuries are over. Inflation is coming back along with growth.

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"…conservatives, plus populists, in an economic nationalist movement.”

Let me think of a name for it — hmmm, National Socialism?

“It will be as exciting as the 1930s…”



True. And the next one could be smart and have bad intentions.

Interestingly, all the Lassies were male, although the character was female. Not sure if there’s a metaphor in there.


Some are saying Bannon comes out of the Satanist closet…it’s out there, Cokie.

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It’s the real thing, too. It’ll do nicely.

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Oof. Not even gonna ask.

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Sounds like a male version of Sarah Palin. Is English his second language???

Krugman, at least, knows how to write in English.


From the complete Hollywood Reporter article:

Darkness is good,” says Bannon…“Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they” – I believe by “they” he means liberals and the media, already promoting calls for his ouster — “get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.

“I’m not a white nationalist, I’m a nationalist. I’m an economic nationalist,” he tells me. “The globalists gutted the American working class and created a middle class in Asia. The issue now is about Americans looking to not get f—ed over. If we deliver” — by “we” he means the Trump White House — "we’ll get 60 percent of the white vote, and 40 percent of the black and Hispanic vote and we’ll govern for 50 years. "

Bolded: Rovian strategies by another name.

The supposedly “new” ideologies are nothing more than cheaply recycled versions of old tactics for power.

He is dangerous, not because he believes in “economic nationalism” but because he’s smart enough to package 21st century authoritarianism in the garb of “alt-right” anti-globalism.

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