Discussion: The Most Revealing Quotes From Steve Bannon's Hollywood Reporter Profile

Construction spending is a cornerstone of kleptocracy and patronage, which would be a big appeal to DJT and his henchmen. Still, the country is sorely in need of infrastructure upgrades. If it happens, let’s hope it’s up to code.

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And if the world doesn’t need more ships . . .?

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Jackson was a genocidal nut job.

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I noticed that too – ships? Is he a partial owner of the Bath Iron Works? How about bridges? He is bizarre and untrustworthy.

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Where was bannon/breitbart on the american jobs act?

Oh yeah, publishing crap like “Obama’s Socialist Job Plans For His Second Term Exposed”


I wouldn’t count on it.

:laughing: God help us. Construction in Italy is completely controlled by organized crime - they own the cement business, the building business - all of it. Last spring we were going on the highway from Palermo, Sicily to Taormina, Sicily. Part of the highway collapsed right before we got to the area, so luckily we didn’t collapse with it.

God help us, really.

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The only thing that exceeds a fascist’s obsession with basic heavy industry is his inexhaustible faith in the efficacy of killing people as a solution to political problems.


Growing the economy while reducing the population of consumers is not going to happen.


For some reason that has always seemed to escape the right wing - capitalism only works when there are enough consumers and once you start squeezing the population financially and now in real terms - getting rid of a big chunk of it (who also pay into social security and don’t get any so they were supporting us, immigrants who aren’t citizens) breaks the whole system.

And in fact they do keep breaking it completely. 1928, 2008…


the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything. Ship yards, iron works, get them all jacked up.

Hate to break it to you sweetie, but that isn’t infrastructure, its private industry. So a trillion dollar make-work/no-show program?


A small ego is certainly not a problem

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Double points if its an evangelical!


That’s the whole point of having minions.


I’ve got a spike, anybody got a bridge?


The unspoken genius of his plan is that the shipyards will pump out coal fired ships, thus bringing back all the coal jobs we have been laughing at them about! Win-Win!


And steam engines! Make America great again.


Not closely but they were related - from cromwell.org

" He was not directly descended from Thomas Cromwell himself but from Thomas’s sister, Katherine, who had married Oliver’s great-great-grandfather Morgan Williams, after which the family began adopting the Cromwell surname."

I guess Oliver was a great-great grand nephew of Thomas (if that’s even a thing and I haven’t left out a generation!).

“I am Thomas Cromwell in the court of the Tudors,” the article concludes with Bannon saying, comparing himself to Henry VIII’s chief minister and a prime driver of the English Reformation.

And you know…Donald would love this as he is the “king” in this metaphor. And that means he would get three more young wives.

The hubris of this bunch is off the charts.