Discussion: The Most Revealing Quotes From Steve Bannon's Hollywood Reporter Profile

“To that end, Bannon said he’s advocating for a huge infrastructure package, taking advantage of low interest rates to put blue-collar people to work.”

To that end, Bannon said he’s advocating doing what Obama tried to do with the Stimulus Package, but with the cooperation of the GOP this time, instead of them trying to gut and poison it all to make it ineffective.



’ for a huge infrastructure package, taking advantage of low interest rates to put blue-collar people to work. ’ I hate these ratfkers. PRESIDENT OBAMA proposed this 8 years ago and everyone on ‘that’ side voted against it. NOW they want to rush out, spend TRILLIONS, take credit and ignore the deficit. Good thing we spent the last 8 years paying it down so they could play…


Cromwell ended up charged with treason and heresy, with his head displayed on a spike on London Bridge. – If anything’s left when Trump’s reign ends, I guess this is some measure of hope.


Andrew Jackson was a genocidal president who created the Trail of Tears that was found to be unconstitutional, yet he ignored the court ruling.

Everyone if you don’t know this history, learn it. He hated central governments and was a mass murderer. When Bannon says he wants to be like Jackson believe him.


“Like [Andrew] Jackson’s populism, we’re going to build an entirely new political movement,” he said.

Jackson presided over a financial bubble.


And genocide. Fun and games with our 7th president. Instituted “the Trail of Tears” after the “Indian Removal Act” narrowly passed congress in 1832. The Supreme Court found the Act to be unconstitutional, but Jackson still forced the Indigenous people to leave their lands and to walk without blankets and provisions because they stole their lands.

This is whom they want to emulate.


Left unsaid: Cromwell ended up charged with treason and heresy, with his head displayed on a spike on London Bridge.

At least his kids did not have to go to school with Jews.


Steve Bannon, Puppeteer. (Fister).

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Jacksonian populism? Trail of Tears + hooray for slavery. No racism here, no sireee.


“Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power," Bannon said. "It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”

And I will establish a feud between thee and the woman, between thy offspring and hers; she is to crush thy head, while thou dost lie in ambush at her heels–Genesis 3:15


Interesting lexicon note: The other day your friend and mine @pokeyoakey said college makes people metrosexual, which of course besides not being strictly true since male college students all look like lumberjacks now made me wonder why in the hell he’s using a word nobody has used in like ten years. So here Stephen Bannon the Breitbart guy is talking about metrosexuals too! It’s a very striking coincidence.


He looks like an Uncle your mom wouldn’t let you alone with–even though he was acquitted of most of the major charges.


So he’s a shit stirrer, plain and simple. Makes his “I’m a Leninist” remark make sense. If Dear Leader was suppose to be the chaos candidate, that chaos was directed by Bannon. I believe he’ll be satisfied when we engage in another civil war.


Can anyone think of another public figure to have positively referenced Satan?


The plan for the infrastructure is a “public-private partnership”. Rick Perry built his toll roads using this plan. It was effing brilliant! The Spanish company that “won” the contracts created a new corporate entity for each leg of the road. By time they got to the last bit, it was the end of Perry’s term and the toll roads were not bringing in the big bucks that all their prospectuses had imagined. The last link was allowed to be built to substandard plans. The road started failing physically before it was even finished. And guess what? The road (130 from Austin to I-10 East) drives like it has frost heaves every hundred or so feet. These are the result of the faulty, cheap substructure laid down for the asphalt topping. We have the second most expansive clay soil in the world. The state tried to entice drivers to use this road by giving it an 85 mph speed limit. I love to drive my little Volvo T6 fast, but not through a run full of moguls! The whole stretch - some 40 or 50 miles has to be rebuilt. Of course, that little highway corporation that built the road declared bankruptcy, leaving the taxpayers of Texas holding the bag. Let’s make America great again, just like Rick Perry did Texas.


That’s why i think that they need to stop with the Jackson worship,

There are very few things that are compatible tween Trump n Jackson,let alone 1828 n this cycle.

Those things are not really good things.

Oh well


Obama Era: “Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson”

Trump Era: “Effing Cool Effing Cool Andrew Jackson”


“With negative interest rates throughout the world, it’s the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything.”

First, the USA doesn’t have negative interest (yet).
Second, you still have to pay off the $trillion principle, you stupid turd!
Trump/Bannon: its all free money out there.


But, but he worked at Goldman Sachs-he knows stuff. :smirk: