Technically, “he is my president,” in that he got elected by the democratic process. Like or not, he will be the next president, procedure-wise.
But he doesn’t represent me. I am so many things he attacked and dissed and insulted and demeaned throughout his life. He doesn’t share with me any view of the basic premise of this country. It’s not just about disagreements about policy positions. It’s more profoundly about fundamental values.
He doesn’t represent me. In that sense, #NotMyPresident.
I’m hoping all these people I see there in the crowds voted on Tuesday . . .
I thought exact the same. It makes me angry if they sit out, cast a protest vote or didn’t lift a finger at all, but then take to the street to protest against HO after it’s too late.
100% correct. A Putin spy.
Felonious sexual assaulter.
Religious bigot
I am proud to say I will be in Union Square on Friday. #NotMyPresident
I’m looking forward to the shit show. He’s so thin skinned and obsessed with seeing himself in print I’m guessing the crazy starts a week after inauguration.
Be safe, buddy.
I will be. Thanks.
When the “authorities” begin disbursing crowds with live ammunition, no doubt…
He is not going to get the “Reagan Teflon” treatment in the Media or in the public square. He is going instantly Day 1 and even prior to his inauguration to the Richard Milhouse Nixon in his Second Term level of un-loved and hyper critical scrutiny. The GOP in both houses of congress as well.
I’m not a “sore loser”. In fact, the MAJORITY of Americans voted for HRC. Even more voted AGAINST Donald dRumpf.
I don’t care which Party.
I don’t care what Title.
Not for president.
Not for dog catcher.
The majority of Americans elected Hillary Clinton.
The antiquated legal system of EV elected Donald dRumpf.
None of which actually matters to me, as I simply do not, will not EVER support a racist bigot.
I would not support a President David Duke.
I will not support a pResident dRumpf.
There is no law on the book that require you to call him by his title. Mr. Trump will do.
As long as this remains a free country you can also continue to point out that he is an impostor who was brought to power by the meddling of a foreign power with the election process.
None of us here will. We will fervently oppose the guy and will fight back in two years, in four years.
I will continue to call him HO…
At least the old Soviet leaders had some force of conviction. All Trump has is an oversized ego to go with his small hands.
Good choice.
Considering that dRumpf received over 59 million votes and over 64 million were votes AGAINST him, I suspect dOnald’s teflon is now completely worn off.
And when he goes ahead with his campaign promises to kill social security, kill Medicare, kill the ACA, kill minimum wage, a whole lot of former tRump supporters are going to be enraged.
Single-digit favorable ratings within year 1? He already garnered record high unfavorable ratings over the past year, so it seems very likely.
And he is most definitely #notmypresident