Discussion for article #234617
The racist billionaire funder of many current anti-2nd Amendment campaigns. A big believer in freedoms being withheld from millions of African Americans who he says are nothing but would be murderers. Even after the federal courts point out the unconstitutional harassment and FRAMING of African American men he thinks that program was fantastic.
You think you’re better than the worst of these GOP/NRA scumbags? GTFOH. Same old shit.
The comments Bloomberg tried to get the Aspen Institute to suppress.
Bloomberg’s thoughts on how all young black men are crazy murderers with empty lives.
The entire speech.
They don’t care. The NRA membership doesn’t care. The gun manufacturers do not care. And the politicians who are supported by the NRA don’t care. Deaths from guns is just chalked up to stuff happens.
But if someone doesn’t want their members walking around their store with loaded machine guns, well, then they care. Anyone who supports the NRA or Gun owners of America should be put on a terrorist watch list.
I’m curious about something, Snafu, since you seem genuinely concerned about racism. Gun rights fundamentalists insist that the 2nd Amendment is there to allow citizens to violently resist a tyrannical government. Does this principle apply to African-Americans who are regularly singled out for ‘special treatment’ by law enforcement? Does this principle apply to the Ferguson protesters? Did you support the recent shooting of officers in Ferguson after the release of the DoJ report that amply documented the corruption among the police force and judges and officials of Ferguson?
Guns: How they hope to make sure there are rights for themselves, but not for you.
The Second Amendment is a red herring. Gun nuts don’t care about freedom at all. They only use it to justify their cowardice, paranoid fantasies, and violent tendencies. Freedom cannot explain why someone would feel the need to be armed to teeth all of the time. Being scared of everything does explain it.
Um, I think you mean prosecute
The official NRA affiliate in New York, the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA) is trying to use the law to criminalize this video and participation in it. They want the state to use laws meant to ensure gun safety to be used to persecute people for speaking out for gun safety.
Of course, the point of prosecuting them is to persecute them, so I guess the point is moot.
I’d like to thank the NRA zealots whose unreasonable and ridiculous freakout about a simple pro gun safety video will cause it to be viewed by MILLIONS more than otherwise would have.
Thank you, you sick and selfish gun fetishist freaks (aka “the NRA”). We appreciate it.
How comforting to know that the Gun lobby, and gun organizations, are against gun safety. When I was a kid the NRA was all about gun safety. not anymore.
I guess a good guy with a “well-made fake” beats a bad guy with a gun.
Well, as Chairman Wayne said in his famous Little Blood Red Book, “freedom grows from the barrel of a gun.” Because there can be no freedom without guns, any attempt to make people go without guns is an attack on freedom and any attack on the free speech rights of those who attack freedom is really a defense of freedom. It’s all perfectly clear.
What I love the most about this is that States United doesn’t appear to be trying to make people go without guns, just think twice about them. Gun lovers are up in arms about even trying to make people think twice about what they are still free to do.
But of course these are the same folks who are all for vaginal probes and other invasive steps being taken to force a woman who wants to exercise her personal rights to think twice about exercising THOSE rights.
I am continually amazed at what I find when I look into the eyes of the people on the other side of this issue. I guess eventually I might be desensitized to it but I’m not sure I want to be.
I watched this video on youtube. I love it. I was curious about the poutrage it would stir up so naturally being the masochist I am about politics I watched one. I won’t link to it but if you care there’s a video posted by AnarchyWorld on March 19, 2015 titled “RE: GUNS WITH HISTORY”. I had to pick my jaw up a few times.
I did not realize or had forgotten that some of these folks believe Sandy Hook was a government false flag operation to take away their guns. These really are people who are scared of their own shadow.
But, where are the arguments from the ammosexuals that claim that the 2nd Amendment protects the 1st Amendment?
But… but the NRA has to kill fundamental rights first before it can save them. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
We’re gonna have us a little 2nd Amendment solution to this problem of the exercise of a 1st Amendment right. After all, guns don’t kill people - but words can kill the profits of the people that matter.
Guess they will need to sue the NYPD too for abiding by the law, rather than the 2nd Amendment.
On another note it appears that they fully support NYC’s gun control laws - requiring permits. Proof that the NRA (or at least one of its affiliates) believes that the 2nd Amendment has limits - that can be restricted by local laws.
If they don’t respect the 2nd Amendment, why should they respect the 1st Amendment?
They continue to purposely ignore the first part of the 2nd Amendment or distort its intent. The “well regulated militia” phrase was intended to assure citizens knew how to handle firearms safely, competently and responsibly.
As evidence to this fact, it is why every state in the Union, and the US Federal Government all have one or more constitutional laws that outlaw the use of firearms by unsupervised minors, the untrained, the incompetent, the clinically insane and/or the criminally violent.
Of course, it is unconstitutional to deny all guns to all people, but it is indeed constitutional to deny all guns to everyone in the particular classes of people mentioned above, who have proven themselves to be dangerous to the general population.
Once the first requirement of the 2nd Amendment is met, then and only then does the second part apply to the general population not included in the restricted groups.
I believe the Second Amendment was not written for the intent to be a red herring. The first part was written for the intent of protecting the general population from people who are a danger to anyone around them when they have free access to firearms.
The red herring claim is true for those who disregard the original intent of the Second Amendment, and distort its meaning for nefarious purposes.
I also believe that if these so called “gun nuts” found themselves back in colonial days, many of them would have their guns taken away, since many of them would quickly prove their inability to be well regulated, or the inability to well regulate themselves. Thus their paranoia around believing “they want to take our guns away.”
very true. the gun nut fundamentalists took over the NRA around 1977, I think. They’ve been so successful they’ve actually gotten a SC justice to rewrite the 2nd Amendment for them. They’ve successfully stifled any significant gun safety legislation and they’ve taught their members to use bullying and intimidation at the personal level to make discussion of gun safety nearly impossible.
And none of what they’ve achieved is enough. Every single year, the NRA pushes new model legislation in the state legislatures to further expand the markets for firearms. There is even an organization called Gun Owners of America, that is even more radical and believes the NRA is too soft!