Discussion: The Gun Lobby Loves Freedom—But Apparently Not Free Speech

The GOP says Obama is failing to protect us from Iran’s nuclear weapons threat. Why can’t I own an ICBM? A literal reading of the Second Amendment contains no reference to the type and capability of “arms” as mentioned in the original text. The NRA is failing the citizenry in not looking into this.


If what you are is a marketing organization, then duh. It’s not enough to make it possible for more people to buy guns, you have to give people “reasons” to buy more guns. And anything that might interfere with that has to be stopped.

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Hey, I couldn’t help but notice the NRA is advertising right here on TPM at the very top of the page. You even get a nifty NRA duffel bag! I wonder if any TMP’ers are biting. I hope they are paying plenty for the ad. Membership is only $25. They don’t need to charge much since most of their $$ comes from gun manufacturers. I especially like the pink AK47s that are marketed to little girls.

In Arizona it would only be a matter of money.

Florida already passed a law that restricts a Doctors ability to ask whether you own firearms. The reason they were asking, is that data showed if you talked to people about safe storage and other gun safety issues, it had a positive effect in reducing gun accidents.

I wondered what happened to it, so I googled it.

Wow. It seems a clear violation of Freedom of speech to me.


You know, when someone points out a pretty significant spelling error, or typo…one that actually changes the meaning of the original text, is it too much to expect that TPM would make a correction?

I would think that a newbie like this author might read comments.

Yes, I believe NRA headquarters has long had the 2nd Amendment carved over the entrance – without that first part.

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Yes, 1977; right-wing fundamentalists took over a lot starting in the late 1970s.

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Today we have state militias so the “well-regulated” militia phrase is obsolete. The 2nd was intended by the founders, however, to make sure there were people with weapons who knew how to use them (well-regulated) in case of invasion by a hostile force – not our own government as the right wingers today parse it. It is telling that the gun nuts always leave out the “well regulated militia” phrase.


Let your guns do the talking and your feet best get a walkin’.

May the bullets fly and your mama’s cry!

Prior restraint.

Seems like a stretch. I would think the “Free Market” solution for people who are always going on about “Freedom” would be to find a doctor that doesn’t ask pesky questions. The gun nut gets his 2nd amendment, the physician keeps his 1st amendment rights, and Darwinism will decide who was right.

I’ll start believing that the Second Amendment fetish is all about freedom and the Constitution as soon as these gun nuts start defending a woman’s Constitutional right to an abortion with the same fervor they use for defending her right to own a gun.

In the meantime, I’ll just continue to assume that they’re just strange people who enjoy masturbating to violent fantasies.

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As an African American who is concerned about racism, no I am not in favor of a race war, any armed revolt by anyone in this nation or the murder of police officers or anyone else.

I have heard those arguments about why the 2nd Amendment exists and I know that question provides a bit of a logic bomb for some White 2nd Amendment supporters of the Bundy Ranch variety. Do you feel the Revolutionary War was justified and if so how much more justified would an armed revolt by African Americans be considering they were subjected to much harsher treatment for a much longer time? Aboriginal Americans? That question works against a bigger group than just 2nd Amendment fundamentalists. It’s not really helpful beyond fucking with people. It just injects the prospect of violence into a situation many White people refuse to approach with much honesty.

If those officers in Ferguson were shot while attempting some of the criminal behavior outlined in the report I would call it self defense but would a jury of their peers? Good luck with that. It wouldn’t be the first time police committing crimes were shot by citizens but I don’t know the details of that recent shooting. I’d rather know why the federal govt hasn’t swooped in and stopped the criminal enterprise of Ferguson. I know they are in the process of doing it but it can’t be stopped fast enough for me or more importantly those being victimized.

I’m not one of those open carry through the street guys. I just know many African Americans wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for the 2nd Amendment. It was often the only thing standing between a jealous neighbor’s noose and rural African Americans. People talking about one side of the debate being against free speech while accepting money from a racist billionaire who wants to disarm the blacks is worse to me. Maybe it’s because I was run out of NYC by a racist mayor and police force who liked to see me with guns (in the hands of the NYPD) pointed at my head coming home from the grocery store on a regular basis. Where do I sign up for the kind of gun control that stops that activity?

I think abortion docs and patients should open carry to clinics and make use of stand your ground laws with those terrorist stalker assholes. I don’t know why the left is so silent about the outright terrorism being used. Roe v Wade is almost a fucking joke now. They’ve killed off and intimidated most of the doctors willing to perform abortions in many parts of the country. Who cares about it being legal if they have almost stopped it with terrorism? Or have I fallen victim to people making the situation out to be worse than what it is? Asking seriously because I took the reports I heard at face value.

There are plenty of liberal 2nd Amendment supporters. Many are law enforcement and military. Be glad they exist even though they aren’t as outspoken as the nutters. Most don’t want the attacks from the psychos on the right or the bullshit from people on the left. There are some real libertarians who actually defend women’s rights, they’re almost unicorns but I have seen it.

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uh, my point was not that AAs should start shooting at cops, it’s that white gunhumpers need to STFU with this bullshit that the 2A was intended as a remedy for tyrannical government. Because surely these numbnuts have never given a moment’s thought that they wouldn’t approve of the Black Panthers using their “2nd Amendment remedies”, or hell, anybody who doesn’t look like them and think like them using their “2nd Amendment remedies”.

no, we don’t have state militias, not in the sense that they existed in the 18th century. We have their descendants, the national guard, and they don’t function as a state’s mini-army. They are frequently highly specialized and relied upon as reserve units for the federal armed forces, and also deployed locally to respond to natural disasters. Oh and you generally can’t bring your own gun, nor can you join the militia just by showing up for duty with your hunting rifle. So really, the 2nd Amendment is as outdated as the 3rd Amendment. But what you and I think doesn’t matter, we are not sitting on the SCOTUS and Justice Scalia rewrote the 2nd Amendment for the NRA a few years ago.

I know what your point was. I thought that was clear. I’m not a white gunhumper. I got your point and was trying to tell you I"m familiar with the idea of proposing that situation with tyrannical govt to aforementioned gunhumpers.
I don’t think that method is very useful since they will weasel out of accepting that any current situation AA’s face is as bad as it really is. I’ve seen it in action. Those types of discussions without dishonest persons unwilling to note any flaws they may discover in their reasoning aren’t worth the trouble. There are people who haven’t thought things through that you can reach. Others will acknowledge the right of AAs to fight the govt. There are a variety of beliefs held by 2nd Amendment supporters who think fighting tyranny is one reason it exists. Some of these guys will pull out their pocket constitution and pocket federalist papers lol fun times