Discussion: The Ferocious Culture of Trump Explains Everything About His Violent Rallies

Discussion for article #247268

When he has an audience he’s happy , when he’s on his own he has a tantrum .


Time magazine photographer Chris Morris was allegedly chocked

Trump denied that he even knew Kovaleski nonetheless was mocking his condition.

Perhaps surprised that the media has been physically harmed in a space where the candidate on stage says that “the media is among the most dishonest groups of people I’ve ever met.”

Forget the furies - any chance we could unleash a copy editor? These articles are descending into gibberish.


“Maybe he doesn’t like seeing what’s happening to the country,” Trump said on NBC’s Meet the Press.

Which doesn’t excuse violence, Mr. Trainwreck.


Yep, and the proof reading and spelling have been totally ignored. “Chocked?”! No, it is spelled “Choked”, for chrissakes. Looks like an amateurish publication to me which doesn’t care about the quality of their writing.


Angry White Trash for Trump

Trump's very message to build a wall, to block Muslims from the U.S., to deport millions of immigrants living in the shadows only fuels the xenophobic, anti-Islam, anti-anyone-other-than-Trump's-core-demographic sentiment that exists on the fringes of the Republican Party.

Trump’s very message to build a wall, to block Muslims from the U.S., to deport millions of immigrants living in the shadows only fuels the xenophobic, anti-Islam, anti-anyone-other-than-Trump’s-core-demographic sentiment that exists on the fringes of in the Republican Party.



"Protester who rushed Trump’s stage planned on calling candidate racist "


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“the media is among the most dishonest groups of people I’ve ever met.”

should read

"“the media wants to expose the fact that I’m the most dishonest person they ever met”

In every Trump accusation there’s a clear projection of his own character flaws. And his bumpersticker logic and twitter character limitations all work well for him as he woos the ignorant mob into perpetual, aggressive and angry lemminghood.


The GOP base has been repeatedly told in subtle ways that Obama, that socialist, Kenyan Marxist, hates America.

Then along comes a narcissist who exploits that tinderbox of hate, fear and ignorance by saying loudly and proudly what everyone else in the GOP is actively thinking

Violence follows.


There is a good reason Trump hates protesters, especially the ones who point out his abject racism.

What Trump fears most from those protesters is that they will state aloud those obvious truths that make his lies look so stupid to anyone with a brain that isn’t mushed up by Limbaugh/Beck’s Syndrome.

Trump’s the naked emperor who knows he’s naked and just wants The intelligent people in observance to shut up about it because if someone says it out loud, it might break the spell he has on his lemmings.

Especially the KKK stuff.


“in the dark heart of” would be truly accurate…

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Amateurs discuss this stuff publicly in the body of the forum, professionals use the little link up top to make their comments directly to editors.


“like a dog without a bone, an actor out alone”

liars on the storm…


The Cult of Trump has taken on a life of its own, and it is out there looking for blood.


I’m wondering what good old days is he talking about when it was okay to punch someone in the face or lay someone out on a stretcher for disagreeing with you.
I don’t think that was okay even in the 50’s.


Trump doesn’t hate or fear protesters. They are a species of useful idiot stoking his fires. He’s waiting for his Reichtag fire and hoping that someone out there is trying to light it.

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If I’m an African-American member of the Patriot’s offensive line, I probably don’t block as hard on passing plays with Brady in the pocket. In fact, that is one explanation for the poor performance of the Pat’s O line in the championship game Vs the Broncos. Brady took several hard hits that day and was constantly under pressure in the pocket! Hmmmm…Brady and Belicheck aren’t as smart as we thought!

Why doesn’t the NFL have a promoted program to END RACISM? Professional soccer has a well organized and promotes it’s program to END RACISM (zero tolerance)! Does the NFL (roger the dodger) also support Drumpf and therefore condones bigotry and racism?

So, these white athletes and former athletes have come out recently in support of Drumpf:
Tom Brady
Bill Belicheck
Pete Rose
Chuck Shilling (get him off ESPN)
Mike Tyson
Dennis Rodman
Lou Ferigno
Hulk Hogan
Ted Nugent (washed up rocker…not a former athlete)
Jesse Ventura
The Duck Dynasty Klan
Charlie Sheen (HIV positive drunk actor with a drug problem)
Mike Ditka (get him off ESPN)
T.O. (apparently he’s never been to Trump mob gathering where every black is yelled at and called the N word)
Mike Tyson (not exactly an intellect who understands racism includes him)


It’s going to be quite the show in Cleveland when the GOP screws the Trump voters. Don’t expect them to bend over the way we progressives did in 2000, and every year with gerrymandering. The Trump voters aren’t going to take too kindly to the GOP’s usual voter nullification tricks. Oh, and did I mention Trump supporters are heavily armed (thanks to the NRA and its GOP slaves)?
Have a nice Convention.


I’m wondering what good old days is he talking about when it was okay to punch someone in the face or lay someone out on a stretcher for disagreeing with you.
I don’t think that was okay even in the 50’s.

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