Discussion for article #228973
Tufts should be ashamed of themselves. This is one o the many reasons why tenure can be an absolute nightmare for an administrator.
But hey… Right-wing nuts claim they are not racists at all. He will soon claim his comments were “taken out of context”.
Race-hustlers like Ablow are never able to see their own virulent racism.
It’s part of the mental disease that makes them racists—and it’s generally incurable.
Ablow is also burdened with a repellent personality and all the appeal of a dead otter.
His professional credentials set him a bit apart from your run-of-the-mill nutcase, but the real problem here is that he is a nutcase with a megaphone provided by what I am starting to think of as the Sedition Network.
I wonder if the founding fathers could have imagined a day in America when the phrase “Anti-colonialist” would be used as an insult.
aBlow IS spot on. ohBUMMER’S soul Is full of kENYAn eBOLA ANd He iS LITERaLLY KILLing AMerICANs wiTH HIs PASSIVITY wiTH eBOLA trYING to lULL us into a false SENSe of secURIty but EBOLA is kILLING us ALL. NoticE how ALL of the VIctIMS of EBOLA are WHITE? COINCIDENCE? NO!111!!!one!!1!!!
The media, long ago,had a filter. Sadly, conservative media is now like the Alzheimer’s patient in a home, simply blurting out whatever pops into their head, no filter required.
I don’t know I would call him a race hustler. The word hustler implies that he knows better but is cynically taking advantage of others for a buck. I think he is just a plain old racist. Making money off his racism is what sets him apart from the run of the mill racist. He doesn’t know any better.
He eked out a win…and with such stiff competition ,too.
He needs a good psychiatrist.
Race-hustlers are racists, without exception.
Keith A-Blow-hard is certifiably insane. He clearly exhibits both delusions of persecution as well as delusions of reference. He needs to seek bona fide professional help. There is anti-psychotic medicine that can help.
Wow. I already realized this guy was unhinged, but reading all of these quotes back to back? Fox should be ashamed of themselves, and I’m sure every university he matriculated at cringes every time he mentions where he received his degrees.
This guy has “psychiatric authority?”
Yeah, that about sez it.
Dr. Keith Ablow, one nutty guy.
Nutty like a Fox. He knows exactly what he is doing… grifting the rubes.
Incidentally, the American Psychiatric Association’s code of ethics bars its members from offering psychiatric diagnoses of patients they’ve never personally examined, something Ablow does routinely with respect to Obama. Unfortunately, the APA cannot discipline Ablow because he no longer belongs to the organization.
As funny as it once was, it is no doubt time to retire the “Not racist, but number one with racists” saying.
Now it’s just “Racist and number one with racists.”
Since Ebola is an infectious disease, a psychiatrist is no more of an expert than a plumber. In this guy’s case, probably less so. By attempting to diagnose people he has not examined, he shows less expertise than any plumber I have ever dealt with, since they all insist on actually looking at the pipes in my house before pronouncing.
PS-His stock market predictions appear to suck also.
Megyn Kelly will always have her infamous 2010 crusade against the New Black Panther Party
Both of 'em…