Discussion for article #223232
That’s right. Keep talking about it. Make lots and lots of noise about rape for the next 5 months. See if you can get some of your politicians to comment on it, too.
I’m absolutely certain that this will increase the number of women voting R and help them win elections! LOL!
It turns out that people who are motivated by hate, spite, and a desire to punish and otherwise control others, really have no knack for humor.
Oh I get it. It’s funny because “libruls R dum”.
This is so deeply misogynist, so uninformed, so crude and since it’s Beck’s creation I’m going to hope it doesn’t have much of an audience except the neanderthals they play to.
Republicans talking about rape.
What could possibly go wrong?
So conservative kids going to college don’t drink, don’t have evening classes, stay inside all night, don’t get raped? This skit is going to go over splendidly with any parent with kids. Not.
'cos nothing is funnier than rape. Maybe they could do a skit about sexual abuse of children next or genocide. Lots of laughs there.
So let me see if I understand this: a socially conservative enterprise which promotes family values is citing beer advertising as a legitimate source of moral guidance?
Less filling! Tastes rape!
Another banner day in GOP outreach.
One of the reasons Todd Akin became so incredibly toxic (aside from the fact that he’s just a true knuckledragger) is that he refused to give up on his ideas about rape. And THEN kept on repeating them whenever possible so the public never really had a chance to forget what he said.
Like Meri says “Keep talking.”
DISGUSTING. Minimizing, making sick jokes about rape, pretending you don’t understand the definition of rape or what rape is…These fuckers make me sick. Keep it up assholes…That kind of outreach will really do wonders for ya’. What they did by coming up with these asinine skits contributes more to the misnomers concerning rape in society than any study they wish to contest. They might as well have chosen to outright deny the reality of rape as a crime as far as I’m concerned.
Hey dumbasses, when folks were recommending that you conservatives stop shooting yourselves in the foot they didn’t mean for you to shoot yourselves in the head.
If they would, though, I’d appreciate it.
Walk right into the trap, you stupid conservative noise machine dopes. Some subjects are easy to bamboozle people on—Keynesian stimulus spending comes to mind—and some aren’t. This one isn’t. But go ahead! Go ahead and make it clear to women which party is concerned about sexual assault and which one thinks it’s a big joke. See how that works out for you.
Figuratively or literally?
I’d prefer literally, I’ll take figuratively.
“Watch the skits courtesy of Media Matters:”