Discussion: The Blaze Decided To Mock Sexual Assault With A Series Of 'RAPE!' Skits (VIDEO)

War on women? I don’t know what you’re talking about. You broads don’t find this offensive, do you…?


I watched it…Wish I hadn’t. Its wise to spare yourself the aggravation…


War on Rape maybe. PR war on rape. Well, for rape. It never gets any good PR. Let’s fix that!

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So TPM covers The Blaze now? How is this anything but free publicity for Beck’s hate machine?

Just watch, the cu*CLANG! Event Horizon is in view.


TPM has always had a hard on for the likes of Beck and the (still dead, and therefore the world is a better place) Breitbart.

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Something told me: “Don’t…don’t…don’t click.”

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Yep, keep talking about rape and making light of it. It’s a winner for attracting women to vote for you.

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Rape-Truthers, coming soon to a Fox outlet near you.

Yeah, this is definitely going to help out the GOP.


I prefer his early, funny ones.

Rape “victim”: Whore or Slut? We report, you decide!


Typical RedNeck Logic: T.V. Commercials are Reality, Scientific Studies are Falsehoods.

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I’m thinking the little head would be ok though…

And here we have it, the genesis of the phrase “Female Privilege.” Female privilege is all these situations where you can claim you were raped when you just regret sex. Not making it up.

This video needs to play as a GOTV piece for the month of October while too many men blink and say “What are women so angry about?”


The more we’re aware of the antics of the haters, the better.


OMG, any opportunity to wear panties and engage in ‘horseplay’ (wink, wink) these guys take it…

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Regardless of what you think about the studies, who on Earth would be stupid enough to approach the subject from this angle? In an election year? On recorded media?

Is this a Howard Stern kind of thing where they’re looking to drive ratings regardless of the fallout? Is this a reality TV moment? Honestly, I can’t imagine that nobody on the said, “maybe we should rethink this guys.” At some point whoever was responsible for go/no-go decided that their net result would be positive, and the only way I could imagine that is if it drives viewership.


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Oh, and had a guy dress up as a woman because no woman would do it.

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Did I mention somewhere else that the GOTea is finding ways already to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

I was thinking the same thing. Great way to make your point that sexual assault is a joke and that women are, like, totes consenting when you have a large, burly man representing the woman in these situations. “See?! He–er SHE’s fine, right?!”

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